Chapter 2

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Isha had a few drinks from that mysterius boy, his name was parker right?
'Isha are you okay?' Asks Noah
'Little blurry but yeah, this party is fun!'
'I know right! But it is allready late, should i bring you home?'
'Yeah would be nice..' says Isha
'Lets go then'
Isha and Noah walk to their bikes and Noah brings Isha home.
'Actually Noah, you are very handsome in case you dindt know'
'Yeah um thanks? Anyways its late I have to go home'
'Bye!' Noah goes home

The next morning Isha wakes up, she does not feel really well. Probably because of the alchohol.
Oh no! It is already late i have to go to school, she puts her clothes on and eats breakfast.
She gets her shoes and is ready to go to school, when she opens the door, suddenly she sees Noah standing in front of the door on his bike.
'Lets go loser!' Thats what he says.
On their way to school he says 'So i have been thinking about what you said last night, we could grab a drink sometime if you want?'
Is he asking Isha to grab a drink together?!
'Ehm yeah sure?' She can't believe it!

'Anyways I have to go to my lesson, bye!' I said
'Bye!' Says Noah

I had been thinking all day of him he is very handsome! But that boy Parker was his name he was so romatic, i dont know what to do!
'Hey Thomas, last night was fun!' 'Thanks!' Says Thomas while he walks to his friends.

Suddenly some girls trow me against a locker, I get blurry and light headed. 'Isha!' I hear someone scream my name and then everything went black.

A love story that would never happen..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon