Chapter 22

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------TIME SKIP------

It's the day before meeting everyone.

You and Alex are making sure you have everything packed up before eating dinner.

"I'm so exited! I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight I'm that exited!"

You exclaim.

"Me either!"

You hug each other.

"Do you think we should tell them about, you know us?"

He looked down at you.

"If you want to, I mean I'm fine with them knowing."

"Yeah but then you get the teases and honestly I don't want that, or we could say that were talking? Because we're not really boy friend and girl friend yet."

"That's what I was going to say before I remember!"

"What is it?"

"Y/n I really enjoy spending time with you, will you be my girl friend?"

You stare at him in shock.

"Or if your not ready it's totally ok, I completely understand."

You smile at him.

"Yes. I will be your girl friend Alex. Will you be my boy friend?"

"Yes of course."

You smile at each other and kiss.

"You know I've never even had a boy friend before. I hope I'm a good girl friend."

"From what I've seen so far, you are pretty good for your first time."

Quackity x y/n (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now