Slushie- Rachel x Y/N

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A/N SURPRISE I made 2! I wanted to give you two of these since I took so long to finally publish the first one. I hope you love it! 


I had just gotten all of my books from my locker when I finally heard the bell signaling the five minute warning for class.

I keep my head down, attempting to avoid the unnecessary attention that I got for myself earlier during lunch.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Four big guys come up to me at my lunch table. Two of them look pretty pissed off, but the other two behind them look slightly more subdued. I turn to face the two dominant ones.

"Um, eating? Is that a problem?" I stand my ground. Yeah, these guys are fucking huge, but I could easily take them.

"Yeah it's a fucking problem! Get the fuck out of our seats."

"Yeah before we pummel you, loser!"

"Hey Karofsky, she seems new. Maybe we should lay off a bit." One of the guys from the back speaks up. Once he finishes, he flashes me a dopey grin.

I appreciate the kindess, but his 'hero' act is not really going to do anything for a gay girl. I suppress my thoughts however because Karofsky and his buddy are practically breathing smoke right now.

"Let's go, Azimo. You know I don't hit ladies." The Mohawk kid standing next to Mr. Dopey over here speaks up. Glad someone actually has standards.

"You don't hit them, but you do get them drunk and pregnant don't you, Puck?" A group of three cheerios walk up behind them, the blonde who just spoke leading the way. Another blonde and a brunette flank her sides.

Scratch my earlier statement about him having standards.

"Whatever, Fabray. Let's just get out of here", Puck responds. He turns to face Karofsky and Azimo again.

"Listen to your little lackies and get a move on. I don't wanna deal with daddy's little boys today. I'm not lookin to destroy your high school life which is already going to be the peak in your sad pathetic lives", I say while standing up. That was probably a mistake. The whole lunch room is now staring at our confrontation. I would back down, but I wouldn't want to seem like a bitch that can't hold up on my threats.

"Alright that's it you little bitch!" Suddenly, two sets of fists start flying at me. I quickly get out of the way, managing to take Karofsky's arm in my hand. I use my other hand to push him into Azimo, hard. They both turn around to charge at me, but they are grabbed by Mr. Dopey and Puck. Using the opportunity to my advantage, I kick both of them in the nuts.

"Don't EVER try to fight me again. Next time you won't be so lucky to be held back by your friends."


Needless to say, that was not the best way to start off my life in my new school. The cheerleaders and football team keep giving me dirty looks. Minus Mr. Dopey, Puck, and a handful of others, everyone else looking like they are going to murder me.

Speaking of fucking devil, I see Azimo and Karofsky approaching me from the far end of the hallway with two large cups in their hands. "You think you're all that, new girl? How about a facial for the entitled princess."

Just then I'm slapped with cold ice and sticky syrup. My embarrassment from the incident is quickly buried by my rage. "Aww, how nice of you. I wouldn't want to be selfish though. Why don't you have a taste too?" I smirk and quickly take down my hair that is covered in slushie and swing it around, covering them in purple ice.

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