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Hello, to anyone reading this... if you aren't into poetry you might as well find something else to read.

I'm not one to show my emotions or speak about how I feel so I thought writing poems would be a great way to let out bottled emotions. Kind of like a diary except it's in the form of poetry and I'm not talking to an inanimate object :)

100% original poems

40% written from experience
50% personal thoughts and feelings
10% made up stuff from really good inspiration

200% literature

Each poem or story- there are stories amoung all the poerty - is a separate chapter.

I can't promise that I'll update ever so often because I'm not emotional on a daily basis or get inspiration very quickly. Art takes time and sometimes I get stuck, I'm only human :)

I hope whoever is reading this enjoys what I have written. May my deepest thoughts and silent emotions stir something within you :)
As well as show you the inspiration I've gotten

Without further ado...

Poems by Aaliyah - Feelings
(Probably changing the title soon)

FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now