The next morning, it was still raining. Dad made undercooked pancakes for breakfast and tea-bag coffee. So long to my egg white omelettes and fresh cold brews... over breakfast, he informed me that he was going in to town to talk to his editor, and that he wouldn't be back until 8 that evening. He offered to bring me, but I declined.

Today I decided would be dedicated to some light detective work. Nothing Nancy Drew level, but deep googling. 

I couldn't bring my laptop with me from California, as I shared it with my mother, so that left my fathers' old desktop as my only viable option. The internet was slow, but it worked. I can't remember the last time I found myself smiling so widely at the bright, obnoxious "google" logo.

"4444 Rodrigo Drive, Dakota WA" I decided to start with the address. The house was old; maybe the girl was a disgruntled ex resident that had a penchant for homewrecking.

Google maps came up, a subpar review about my dads writing, and then finally- an article.

"60 year anniversary of Dakota Washingtons' only known cold case."

I clicked it immediately, praying that it wasn't clickbait. Thankfully it wasn't, and after three minutes of loading, the whole article finally popped up.

On September 1st, 1961 residents of small town Dakota were shocked to their core at the news of an 18 year old girls' death. The teenager, later identified as "Olivia" was found submerged in her families' lake, appearing to have been drowned. The girl was a member of the prestigious Rodrigo family, and almost immediately her uncle & mother were ruled out as possible suspects, as they both had solid alibis. 

The case was quite a difficult one, and still has modern detectives scratching their heads at who could possibly have been responsible. The family was quite reclusive, the only outsiders allowed in their tiny world being 3 servants; a cook named Joshua, a maid named Sabrina, and another maid named Iris whom was often referred to as The Girls' best friend. 

All of the servants were ruled out after a thorough investigation, and the case was declared cold seven months later. Olivia is survived by now 78 year old Iris, who leaves a bouquet of red roses at her grave every year. 

I finish the article, chills running down my spine. I had been talking to a ghost?

The sound of the landline ringing snapped me out of my thoughts, and I picked it up immediately. 


The Girl- Olivia RodrigoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum