Being a teacher is hell

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                                                                      Nagisa's Pov 


   "Jeez shut up Shiota-sensei."

   I inhaled and just as I was about to exhale one of my students threw a dart at me. I dodged it just in time and it stuck to the chalk board. "Ok, who threw this?" I asked taking it out and pointing it to the direction it was thrown at.

   A girl with white and pink hair raised her hand. "I'm sorry Shiota-sensei." she said.

   "Its alright Kanako, and it was a great hit. Using a poison dart was very creative, but I've been through a lot more than poison.

"Yeah Kanako, it'll take a lot more to kill her than just a dart!" A student named Kokichi laughed.

   "Kokichi, that can be used as an insult, especially with that tone of voice, and, Let you know for the 5th time I am identified as a boy, so my pronouns are He/Him/His." I explained. It was very annoying when people called me a She. It was very annoying especially since I cut my hair and my mother stopped making me wear feminine clothes. That made me remember those times Karma-kun and Nakamura-chan made me wear those outfits. I wonder how they are.

  "Whatever." Kokichi mumbled making me snap out of my thoughts. 

"Anyways, your homework i-" I started, but was rudely interrupted.

   "WHAT! WHY DO WE HAVE HOMEWORK?! ITS LIKE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" Most of the class shouted. This is going to be a long year. Being a teacher is Hell.


Well that was a long day, and it was my first day. What kind of kids let their teacher have a hard time on their first day? Oh wait-  we did that to Korosensie-. I thought, giggling a bit while walking to the store. I finally arrived there after five minutes of walking. Well that was annoying, I have to do that again to go home. I thought once again, walking into the store looking for the right isle.

"Where is it?" I murmured to myself. Trying to find the strawberry milk in the 9th isle I looked through. I paused, finally finding it. I was just about to reach the milk until someone accidently bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry ma'am!" The man said lowering his head in a bowing fashion in front of me.

"Sorry to break it to you but I'm a boy, and I'm not that old." I said pouting, That's the second time today that someone had misgendered me! I about to turn around, until the man grabbed my shoulder and said:

" Wait- GENDER?"


   Hi. Please share in any way. That would help a lot! Bye!!! :)

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