Chapter Six

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School ended early for the day, after the fire department had to stop by, and inspect the school after I so casually said I slipped and hit down the lever on my way back. how they didn't even me a punishment for that, I have no idea, but as little worry as I was, there was honesty for important things to worry about. One was checking on Clark, the second, finding and making sure those freaks hadn't gotten to Asher. That must've been the person they were talking about? I only had two guys in my life, that seemed remotely able to talk to me, without gagging at the sight of me. Which was a complete joke by the way, Nessa, but don't worry, plenty to talk about later. As I allowed myself to leave the school, through the open doors, and down the steps, after the principle and my teachers talked to me, I was fine, and free. Lucky for me, my parents didn't need to be called in to address anything, which I totally owed the principle for, and most of the fire department, most thought I was clumsy, others, pitted me, for they said I certainly didn't have the body type to be strong enough to pull the lever down all the way. Most said, they'd be surprised to see me even lift it down a few inches. Rudee......I thought, my thought completely moved along, as I saw Clark.

His beautiful smile, and his handsome face, that amazing midnight black hair, and his casual clothing, only made him seem that much cuter. He was waiting for me at the bottom. while he held a black rose in the palm of his hand. The rose didn't seem to have a stepen or anything, it was just the petal, but it was still just as romantic. I rose my brows at him, before he held me back, as I causally wanted to pass him. With confusion written on his face, he turned back to his normal smile, which as he smiled, it only made me want to kiss him just as much more.

'''What're you doing?'' I laughed, accepting the pedal, as he slowly slid it into my hand.

''Giving you a present, and a romantic one at that.'' he replied. ''I wanted to make sure you were okay, and not just your sanity, the whole package.'' he smiled.

''The whole package huh? Well to tell you the truth, it isn't really my sanity that needs a bandaid, its my pride. Most of the officers in that school, think its about impossible, that I was able to pull down that lever, as if I'm just a weak doll?!'' I snapped. ''How dare they?'' I crossed my arms against my chest, in protest, but Clark never agreed with me, he simply tried to hide his outstanding laughter, as I pushed myself against him. Since he was on the bottom step, and I was two steps higher than he was, on the stairs, I was the master, and he was the tone looser, drooling at the bottom. I took great pride in making fun of him, from my thoughts, cause no matter how cute my facial expression are, he'll never crack my code. I'm pretty sure, if you wanted too, Nessa, you could crack my cold.

I wonder if you still remember when we were kids, you used to come over to my house for sleepovers, and while I was in the bathroom. you'd go snooping around my room.hoping to find any sort of writing material, so you could make fun of all year! But lucky for me, after I figured out your sneaky little plan. I found this page on the internet, about creating your own alphabet, lucky for me, you never were able to crack it. And what a shame too, you were getting close. I'm glad, I still have you to at least write to, Nessa. And its not as if I'm actually writing on paper, most of what I say to you, in my mind, I mean, why waste perfectly good paper, supplies, such as pens, peniclies, and markers, and to buy a useless bite lock to keep those papers safe and protected. No one can access your mind, except you. Which I like to think of, as vault.

Your whole entire life is basically inside your own head. And when your skull cracks open, there goes all your thoughts, memories, and basically, there goes you. If your lucky to survive having your brains spill out, look me up, if it ever happens to me, Nessa, make sure your the first person to collect my brains, already? I'd really like to keep these little one way conversations.

Hunters and Heirs #1 Spirts and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now