Big Bro (Wilbur Soot)

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Trigger Warning: Su!c!de Attempt٫ Talks of it٫ and mention of parent leaving
Will put a warning when it is brought up

"Welp Chat٫ I think it is about time I end stream." Y/n said yawning slightly٫ "If you haven't used your twitch prime٫ now is the time!" Y/n thanked a couple more subs and ended stream. Just as she turned off her pc٫ she heard someone wrap at the door. "Come in" Y/n said getting up and stretching.

"Hey. I saw you ended stream." Wilbur poked his head in.

"Awww were you watching my stream Wilby?" Y/n said teasingly.

"First off٫ call me wilby again and I will call you e/n/n (embarassing nickname I don't know abbreviations XD). Second٫ I can't support my sister?" Wilbur said coming into my room.

"Well yeah I guess. Anyway can we order takeout? I'm starving!" Y/n said rubbing her stomach.

"That's what I came in here for actually. What do you want?" Wilbur whipped out his phone and opened up doordash.

"Chinese?" Y/n said while walking towards Wilbur to look at his phone.

"We can do that. Should be here in 15."

"Thanks Wilby."

"Shut it e/n/n or else you will pay for the Chinese."

~Time skip brought to you by my aching mind because pc parts make no sense~

"We are leaving in 5 for phil's." Wilbur yelled up the stairs.

"Ok!" Y/n said grabbing her drawstring bag that she packed. She had an extra set of clothes٫ phone charger٫ and some snacks. They were going to visit phil because he is philza minecraft. I mean who wouldn't want to visit him??

Y/n heard a ding on her phone and she looked at the notification. It was a notification of how long she was clean.

TW: Talks of su!c!de and parent leaving

Y/n struggled with self-confidence. Ever since she was little٫ she always thought that she was fat or stupid or worthless.

In the 8th grade٫ she came home from school one day and went straight to the bathroom. She opened up the cabinet and found her razor and started cutting her wrists just enough where she felt a little bit of pain٫ but not enough where she was bleeding a lot.
She had had a really rough week with lots of school work and bullying and she was just tired of it. She didn't want to tell Wilbur because he was stressing about things.

This was the time that their mom was leaving their life and Wilbur was trying to finish uni and pay for an appartment while trying to keep food on the table. She didn't want to be more of a trouble than she already was. So٫ when she came home from school٫ she would cut herself in her bedroom or the bathroom. She did this for three years until she opened up to her best friend and was able to stop. Recently though٫ her best friend lost contact with her and she was starting to stress more٫ so she went back to cutting herself. She set up an app that gave her daily affirmations٫ goals٫ and how long she was clean for. It didn't help much though.

End of TW

She saw that she was a week clean which was good for her. The longest she has gone since getting the app was 2 weeks. (If you feel comfortable٫ you can put how clean you are because even the 1 seconds matter :).

Y/n ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. She went to the shoe rack and grabbed her vans. She locked the door and went inside the tan volvo in the driveway.

"Locked the door?" Wilbur said not looking up from his phone.

"Yep." Y/n said nodding her head.

"Got your phone charger?"




"Ok let's go." Wilbur said plugging his phone into the aux and starting the car.

Y/n grabbed the phone and started playing Change my Clothes by Dream and Alec Benjamin. (Strongly Recommed :)

"Wow. Playing Dream's music before mine." Wilbur sniffled.

"I was there the day you recorded it. I have heard it a million times and know the words to every song!" Y/n said rolling her eyes.

"Fine fine. Can you at least turn on Life By the Sea though? I mean he is like your boy-"

"No he isn't! Just because we play minecraft and fell asleep on call once doesnt mean we are dating!" y/n huffed. "Thats like saying you and niki are dating!" (I dont ship them)

"Touche٫ but we arent٫ so turn on Life By the Sea." Wilbur said while focusing on the cars in front of him.

"Fine." Y/n grumpily pressed the icon of tubbo's face

Man if Im going to be honest

"I dropped out of college٫ found myself a whole new realm of knowledge." Wilbur said singing along and looking at her.

Y/n rolled her eyes and sang with Wilbur. "Down the forest٫ foraging for sounds that I can rhyme with orange." I mean the song was catchy٫ how could she not sing along?

After about an hour of driving and singing to songs including Older٫ REVIVED٫ and Mask (sus version)٫ they pulled into Philza's driveway.

They hopped out of the car and went to the front door to knock. They were greeted by a smiling Phil and Kristin.

"Hey guys!" Phil said taking Wilbur into a big hug first٫ then her.

"Hi phil!" y/n said hugging him. Phil was like the dad figure she never had. He was always so nice to her and wilbur and put up with their foolishness. They loved him and he loved them.

They came in after they both hugged Kristin and went to the guest bedroom to put their bags down. They came back out to find the other two sitting on the couch.

"Whats going on?" y/n asked.

"Kristen was going to ask what you guys wanted for dinner and I was going to ask if you wanted to stream?" Phil said looking at them

"Yeah thats fine. um would we just do a you laugh you lose stream because I didnt bring my set up." Wilbur said running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah we can do that. Is that alright y/n?" Phil said looking at her.

"Yeah! We should surprise the audience somehow with me and wilbur!" Y/n said excitedly.

"I could ask for mumza and you can come in instead and then Wilbur can come in and drag you out?" Phil said getting up and stretching.

"Yeah that sounds good." Y/n said and Wilbur nodded his head.

"Before you guys start٫ what do you want for dinner?" Kristen said also getting up.

"Um I'm in an italian mood so spaghetti?" Wilbur said running his hand through his hair again. He did that when he was slightly nervous.

"Yeah. I can make that in thirty minutes." Kristen said heading towards the kitchen. "Have fun streaming!"

1205 Words
I will definitely create a part two

Please reach out to someone if you are ever having these thoughts!

Love you oreo's!

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