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The wind was cold against your skin as you walked to school. Occasionally you would glance towards the boy walking alongside you - Shinsou. You weren't related, heck you didn't even live with him. You'd only been to his house once, and you'd never met his parents. Still, he was like a brother to you. He provided some sort of warmth, comfort. You didn't talk much together, but somehow you still manage to exchange a thousand words. Your nails dug into your skin as you walked, a large building coming into sight. School.

Normally, you couldn't care less about school. You didn't necessarily want to go, but you didn't mind going either. Today was different. Your guardian - Kaoru - had described it as a new beginning, the start of a new journey. They'd convinced some hero or another to recommend you, and as much as you wanted to flunk the exams, you passed solely because of your gratitude for his efforts.

You weren't concerned about whether or not you'd pass Yuuei, that was the least of your concerns. What scared you was the thought of other people's eyes on you.

Most of your life had been spent in the shadows. You didn't enjoy the spotlight, and Kaoru respected that. They'd never forced you to come to their PR announcements, and never told the they were raising a kid. Let alone a kid that wasn't theirs.

Not to mention, they barely raised you at all. They were never home, always out on business trips or at a meeting with yet another hero. You spent most of your life living in the Yaoyorozu household. They had a nice daughter, although you'd managed to avoid her for the most part- you'd only met her once at the recommendation exam.

Still, Kaoru was more than a guardian to you. It felt as though they were your parent. They tried their hardest, and brought you the same sense of warmth and comfort as Shinsou did.

"Y/n, you'll be fine. Don't worry about everyone else." While his words were meant to be comforting, they filled you with anxiety and dread.

Part of you wanted to reach out and grab his hand, relish in his warmth before you'd be thrust into a new environment. You refrained, however, knowing he'd probably be having the same anxiety. You didn't want to be selfish, not on your 'new journey'.

"Of course. You'll be fine too." You place a hand on his shoulder, feeling his pulse as you watched streams of purple energy surge through him.

He walks ahead of you, and a sigh leaves your mouth as you walk forward. As long as you didn't touch anyone, you'd be fine. There wouldn't be sudden bursts of colour, no foreign sounds or smells. All you had to do was stick to yourself.

However, once you walked through the door, you nearly turned right back out. It was loud, even louder than your pulsating heartbeat. People were yelling and laughing, and that alone sent your quirk into overdrive.

New energy forms. You weren't in the mood to analyse right now, so you ignored it's voice and swerved to an empty seat. No one had noticed you yet, so maybe you'd be able to sit here without any interruptions-

"Hi!" Someone slapped their hand onto your shoulder and you shrieked at the sudden impact. When you look up, it's a girl with pink skin. Mutation quirk. "Nice to meet you!"

You groan, but give her a small smile. "Y/n. What's your name."

"I'm Mina Ashido! You look nice!"

You chuckle, somewhat forced. "Thanks, I guess..."

You take your time looking around the classroom. You notice Momo, whom you've met once before. She's with a group of girls, conversing. A part of you wants to join them, but you're quirk is overwhelmed as it is. You feel Mina leave your side, bringing a chair over and sitting in front of you.

.: 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄 : katsuki bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now