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After visiting the water fountain, Esther and Jacob found their way back to their classroom. They subtly ducked inside and found a seat on the floor again, Jacob discreetly helping Esther sit comfortably against him.

Mr. Campell held a solemn face as he held a phone to her ear. "Are you sure? Oh, God. Do I tell the kids? Okay... Bye..." He hung up the phone and stood still for a moment to suck in a breath. "Everyone, quiet down. I've just received some horrible news."

The students began chattering quietly, already intent on spreading rumors. Someone held up their phone with a sullen expression. A picture of Ben Rifkin centered above an apparent news article. "It's Ben! He..."

Esther held a grim expression.

"Alright, quiet down, everyone," he was quiet for a moment. "Your classmate, Ben Rifkin, was found dead this morning..."

The world around Esther seemed to fade as it finally sunk in to her. The realism of the events that had taken place that morning. Her best friend was dead by her hand. She would never see him again. She'd never giggle at his jokes, tell him secrets, or hear his laugh again. It was over. It was all her fault. This was the first time she allowed herself to fully accept that, and she broke down, a strained sob escaping her lips as she clutched Jacob close to her.

Jacob held her in his arms as she wept, ignoring the pitiful stares from the other classmates. All eyes were on Esther, not only because of the scene that she was causing, but because they knew how close she was to him. They'd seen them talking every single day. She sat with him at lunch, she laughed with him every day, they copied homework off of one another. On some days, they'd walk to his house for dinner or to watch movies. They were truly best friends, and everyone looked at her to see her reaction.

Her thoughts were once again racing. Why did this have to happen? Why did he do what he did? Why didn't he just kill me? Why does it hurt so bad? Why can't I just start over? Just let it be over...

Jacob cautiously wrapped his arms around Esther and held her in his lap as she cried her heart out. His heart too wept at the pathetic sight. He had started to tear up at how heartbroken she was when his phone began to ring. He answered it with a weak, "Hello?"

"Jacob? Honey, it's mom, are you and Esther okay?" Laurie asked, her voice strained with worry.

"Yeah, we're-"

Esther accidentally burst into another fit of crying and Jacob began to comb her hair with his fingers.

"Shh, Essie, shh," Jacob lulled, pulling the phone away from his face.

"Who is that?" His mother asked, causing him to bring the phone back to his ear. "Is that Esther?"

"It... The kid who... It's Ben. He... Esther just heard the news," Jacob whispered to the screen.

"Poor thing... Poor Esther..." Laurie said quietly, feeling sorry for Esther. "I'll come and pick you two up."

"We'll be out front," Jacob said before hanging up. He nudged Esther. "Hey, Ess. My mom's gonna come pick us up, okay? C'mon, let's go home."

Esther sniffled and wiped her nose, allowing Jacob to wiggle out from under her so he could help her up once more. He wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and led her towards the door, not bothering or even caring about asking permission as they left the classroom behind.


Laurie pulled up to the two, who stood solemnly at the front of the building.

Esther wordlessly hopped in the backseat of the car and shut her door behind her.

Guilty by Association [Jacob Barber x reader]Where stories live. Discover now