Normal head canons *main six*

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♥︎ she's the smartest of them all ♥︎

♥︎ u don't want to get on her bad side bitch could rip a whole ass bear if she wanted to ♥︎

♥︎ takes 10 hour baths cause she like that ♥︎

♥︎ scared of heights (like same gurll) ♥︎

♥︎ stocks up on coupon codes and probably just spends 10$ while buying grocery's ♥︎

♥︎ not afraid to call u out if u made a bad joke ♥︎


♥︎ easily offended ♥︎

♥︎ sarcastic? Me? Never ♥︎

♥︎ plays fortnite ♥︎

♥︎ is good at math but just hates it ♥︎

(I will make more len head canons later dont worry len simps ;) )


♥︎ strong af ♥︎

♥︎ chill probably just vibes ♥︎

♥︎ would watch the fight and do nothing but just watch and wait until gumi comes ♥︎

♥︎ I told ya bro ♥︎

♥︎ probs tells people to not swear but swears the most ♥︎


✨ loyal ✨

♥︎ kind af ♥︎

♥︎ forgetting is his personality ♥︎

♥︎ man child ♥︎

♥︎ collects rocks and other random garbage ♥︎

🎸Depressed child 🎸

♥︎ nitpicky ♥︎

♥︎ has a low self esteem ♥︎

♥︎ will kill someone if they wake her up ♥︎

♥︎ McDonald's is her religion ♥︎

♥︎ comes up with the perfect come back 1 month later ♥︎


♥︎ will walk into a room just forget what she was gonna do there ♥︎

♥︎ super stubborn ♥︎

♥︎ snores so loudly it could be heard 6 plants away ♥︎

♥︎ gets exited over the dumbest things ♥︎

♥︎ thinks she's the best person in the world and every one is her servant (this is just canon)♥︎

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