Introduction & Characters

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Ara Hudson and her family have moved away from the big city of Brilliantine, due to a sudden war that has been started by an infamous new organisation. Anarchists are currently threatening to take over control of the capital, so the Hudson family and their friends left quickly, before they could be caught up in the bombings and chaos.

Now, the Hudsons hope to find a new home for themselves and the families in their group, somewhere in Turba Desert, the interior of the island, near the rugged and forbidding Lupis Mountain. However, wolf packs have been making vicious and relentless attacks on the small group of families. No matter how hard they try to defend themselves, they can't seem to make any impact on these formidable foes. The wolves are devilishly clever, and it's getting dangerous to even leave the camp to get fresh water from a nearby oasis.

Mr Hudson wonders whether he should turn around and go back. The threat of the wolves is getting more dangerous day by day, and they wonder if the battles might be even worse than enduring the chaos and disorder in the city.

But Ara likes living in the wild and open desert. She loves the sunsets, the sand, and the towering waterfall at the bottom of Lupis Mountain. She and her twin brother, Luke, have gotten used the freedom and excitement of living in the desert. They enjoy the challenge and the independence that their adventurous life brings. They do NOT want to go back the city!

So... it's up to Ara, Luke, and their two best friends to help find a solution to the wolf problems. Together, they might be able to design a way to keep their families (and other similar small groups nearby) safe from further attacks.

Whoohoo! Let's meet the characters!
You feel free to imagine them however you like, but this is how I think of them - Enjoy! :)

Ara Hudson (Indiana Evans) - 18 yo

Ara Hudson (Indiana Evans) - 18 yo

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Luke Hudson (Finn Harries) - 18 yo

Luke Hudson (Finn Harries) - 18 yo

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Declan Hudson (Canterbury Chandler) - 8 yo

Declan Hudson (Canterbury Chandler) - 8 yo

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Daniella Mitchells (Maia Mitchell) - 18 yo

Daniella Mitchells (Maia Mitchell) - 18 yo

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Cameron Allans (Taylor Lautner) - 21 yo

Cameron Allans (Taylor Lautner) - 21 yo

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There you go, I hope you liked them!


Just quickly now, before we get onto the story, there are three things I want to say as the Author...

#1: This story is the first book of a series. There are two other parts that are meant to come after this one (Just so you know).

#2: This is all my own personal work. I wrote it, and I own it. I am gladly letting you read it for free on Wattpad, and I'm cool with that. I love to share my stories here with you all.
But please... Don't copy it or steal my work and pretend it's your own. That's just rude and unfair to me, since I've had this story sitting in my mind for years. Also, if you see someone stealing my work, do let me know. For your information, this is actually copyrighted under my name here. So thank you!!!

#3: Lastly, if you liked the story, please do vote and comment. Recommend it to your friends. I love to chat and see what you all say as you're reading, because it honestly makes me laugh and it also makes my day. I love writing for it's own merit, but writing for others is always way more fun for everyone involved, in my opinion.
So, come say "hi" and comment. You know what? I'll most probably reply!

With that over.... WELCOME TO THE STORY!

Let's begin!

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