#1: Gosh!... What happened to your arm?

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"Better to fight for something than live for nothing."

- George S. Patton Jr.

It was a hot, bright day, and the sun beat down mercilessly on three figures trudging across the sand dunes. Suddenly, the leader, Ara Hudson, stopped abruptly and scanned the shimmering dunes in front of her, squinting into the bright sunlight reflecting off the sand. 

Her best friend, Danielle, halted behind her, grabbing a firm hold of little Declan's hand to stop him from running on ahead. She looked at Ara, concern written on her face.

"Is it the wolves?!" She asked, a slight edge of fear in her voice.

Ara shook her head. "No sign of them yet...." She replied thoughtfully, "I can just see the water though – it's over the next dune here."

She brushed a stand of long blonde hair from her eyes, and turned to grin at Danielle.

"C'mon! I'll race you there!"

Danielle hesitated, but only for a moment. 

The next minute, both girls were flying across the sand, with seven-year-old Declan chasing them. Soon they reached the bottom of the dune, where there was a large, clear pool of water. 

It bubbled cheerfully out of the side of the sandstone cliffs, and collected in a pool at the bottom. As soon as they reached it, both girls plunged their heads into it and took long draughts of water.

"Ahh! Nothing like fresh spring water to quench your thirst!" sighed Ara, finally lifting her head and flicking her wet hair out of her face.

Danielle nodded with a smile, and added amusedly, "Even though it isn't very cold."

Both girls laughed, and checked on Dylan, who was now cheerfully splashing about in the shallows. 

After her laughter had died down, Ara began unstrapping the big water jug from her back. Danielle copied her, and both girls filled their water jars with the warm spring water. 

Then they laid them aside on the sand, and quickly joined Declan in the water to cool down a little, all the while glancing up and checking around the dunes in search of danger. However, the dunes stayed clear. 

After about five minutes of swimming, Ara gave the signal to get out again, and strap their water jugs back on. While Danielle helped Ara lift and strap the heavy water jar to her back, Declan filled his smaller jar. 

Just as Ara began strapping on Danielle's jar, she heard Danielle's nervous gasp.

"Ara! The wolves are coming – from the mountain, look!!!"

Ara jerked her head around to look behind her, scanning the tops of the dunes, and spotted a pack coming down towards them. 

Rapidly, she unstrapped Danielle's jar again, calling out, "Quick! Take Declan and run - I'll try and keep them off."

"But – what if you get hurt?!" asked Danielle, her tone worried.

Her best friend had already taken up her water jar and was pushing them ahead of her.

"I don't know," she admitted, "But at least I'll know you're safe then – You have to get Declan to mum and dad safely, okay? I can't fight well if my little brother and my best friend are in the way of getting hurt, so hurry!"

Ara shoved Declan towards Danielle, and the two began running – Danielle now carrying Declan's small pot of water. 

Ara was a fast runner, but steadily, she began to drop behind from the combined weight of the two heavy jars. The wolves were closing in behind her.

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