Chapter 12

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Jotaro, Kakyoin, Anne, and I were all taking a walk around the area. Anne saw an ice cream stand and ran straight for it, dragging me along with her. I let out a small chuckle seeing how excited she was. "Hey there! Welcome!" The worker said enthusiastically. "Chilled coconut juice is the best at this time! There's nothing in the world like it! How bout it?" He asked. Jotaro walked up behind us with a sigh, "I guess we could try it. Four then."

"Thank you much!" The salesman smiled.

"Hey jerk! What are you trying to pull! Make it eight!"

Kakyoin pulled out his wallet, and paid for our drinks. That's a new wallet. A wave of nausea decided to hit once again, and my stomach was in shambles. OH WHAT NOW??? My patience was running thin with the nausea and the constant images and clips running through my head. Clips of Kakyoin growing taller inch by inch, and some yellow slime substance ran through my head, over and over. I zoned out, but it didn't go unnoticed by a certain giant. My eyes remained unfocused until a man ran up and stole Kakyoin's wallet.

Kakyoin looked down at his hand and back up to the man. He released Hierophant, and grabbed the man's leg, tripping him. Kakyoin had a deathly glare on his face, and I'm pretty sure all of us were surprised. "So, you dumb, useless, disgusting, piece of shit." Kakyoin seethed. "Who the hell do you think you are? I'll make you wish you were never born!" And with that, Kakyoin grabbed the man's head and slammed his knee into his face. "Kakyoin!" Jotaro yelled.

Kakyoin continued to use more and more vulgar words while threatening the man. Before we knew it, he had slung the man over his shoulder and began to crack his spine. "I can't let you get away with that, can I? Can I?" He kept repeating those words until Jotaro slammed his fist into his back. What's gotten into him? "Cut it out, dammit! You're losing control." Jotaro growled. "You're acting like such a bastard. Something's not right. The hell's going on?" Kakyoin's glare turned to Jotaro before he replied, "That hurt you know? You didn't have to shove me around like you're the one charge. That man stole my wallet, and he should be punished as such. Tell me am I wrong? You'd do the same, old pal." As I looked at Kakyoin in concern, my stomach was doing backflips. Is that even Kakyoin?

"What are you glaring at?" Kakyoin questioned. "You know the look in your eyes is awfully hostile, Jotaro. What's wrong, why are you so upset? You couldn't possibly be thinking about ending our friendship over a tousle with a thief, now could you? You're acting as if I've done something unforgivable." That doesn't even sound close to Kakyoin. The hell? During the stare down between us and Kakyoin, the thief had scooted away, and a bunch of children had crowded around a few beetles in a tree. Kakyoin began to chuckle.

"Jojo, you're making way too big of a deal out of this. I'm just having a bad day, no big thing. I'm just exhausted from the trip, it's put me in such a bad mood."

"Just a bad mood, huh?" Jotaro queried. "Seemed to me, you felt pretty good. The old man and Avdol think it's a good idea to get to India by train. We leave tomorrow. We'll take the cable car to Singapore station to reserve tickets."

Jotaro and I walked off while Anne stayed, staring at Kakyoin. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I walked next to Jotaro. "You too?" Jotaro looked at me from the corner of his eye. I hummed in response, "We should watch him throughout the day." I offered, and Jotaro nodded. Something's going on here. Anne ran up to Jotaro and grabbed his arm. "What's up half pint?" He asked. She was breathing hard, and her eyes were laced with fear. "Nothing, don't worry." She looked behind her, and I followed her gaze to Kakyoin standing there with half-lidded eyes. I ruffled her hair and suggested we get a move on.

At the cable car station, we had gotten ice cream and watched the cars pass by. Kakyoin had called after Jotaro, more so demanding than asking for the cherry atop his ice cream. And so Kakyoin had taken the cherry, and shoved Jotaro over the railing. "Uh oh! Better watch out, Jotaro!" He called out. I stared at Kakyoin for a millisecond before running over to Jotaro. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING KAKYOIN?" I screamed as I helped Jotaro back over the railing. Kakyoin just laughed and ate the cherry. No, not ate, licked the cherry repetitively, until it dropped to the ground. As soon as he finally consumed the cherry, he had grown an inch taller, and wider. If that's not Kakyoin, then who the hell is this guy?

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