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The cold air of the night breezed against my neck as I sat next to the window and stared at the nights stars it was peaceful calm even thought I should be sleeping I couldn't help but look out at the moon.
The bea—
I jolt back and fall through my window onto my bedroom floor.
"What the fuck stiles! What are you doing here!"
"My dad they found a body in the woods!"
"Oh shit wait till I get my coat"
I grab my coat and slip in over my arms and jump out my window and onto my roof and slide down till I hit the slide, Stiles puts the ladder in place so I can climb down to him. We both get into stiles jeep and I put on the seat belt well attempt to it's not the best quality.
"We have to get Scott then we can go"
"You need to stop listening to Noah's radio your getting to obsessed"
I say like I wasn't obsessed myself.
"It's fine he doesn't know unless he catches me like most times" he says while scratching the back of his neck.
When we reach Scott's house I don't bother walking up to the door and let stiles do it, while I'm watching a see stiles hanging from some ledge and Scott nearly bash his head in with a bat.
Scott goes in and grabs some warmer clothes and they start walking towards me.
Scott and stiles get in the jeep and we start driving up to the woods.
"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asks.
"You're the one who always bitches that nothing never happens in this town" stiles exclaims
I chuckle a bit then continue to look around with the flashlight.
"I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow..."
"Right... because sitting on the bench is such a heavy effort and anyways Adira is the only one good at lacrosse here!"
"True" I agree and get daggers from both boys as I shrug
"No... because I'm playing this year. In fact I'm playing first line"
I snort and Scott looks at me annoyed.
"Hey that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream even if it's an unrealistic one"
"Just asking by curiosity. Which part of the body are we looking for" I ask
..... " huh... I didn't even think of that"
"Are you serious?" I say in disappointment.
"And er what if the one who killed the body is still out there?" Scott exclaims
"Also something he didn't think about!"

" It's comforting to know that you planned this up with your usual attention to detail!"
"I know!"

I see Scott pain to breathe and use his inhaler.
"Maybe the asthmatic should be the one who holds the flashlight, huh" I ask
We start to hear dogs barking and numerous flashlights.
"Fuck" I exclaim
And we all start running.
"Come on!"
"Wait up! Stiles!"
Scott is far behind us but me and stiles get caught by the sheriff stiles dad.
"Hang on, hang on.. these little delinquents belong to me"
"Dad, how you doing?"
I smile along trying to act innocent and not look around for Scott.
"So your listening to all my phone calls?"
" no!.... Not the boring ones" stiles says while smiling
"So where is your third person in this trio?"
"Who, Scott? Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night sleep before the first day of school tomorrow. There's just me and stiles... in the woods... Alone"
Sheriff flashes his flashlight around the trees.
"Scott you out there? Scott?"
Sheriff takes me and stiles by the back of the neck.
"Well I'm going to walk you back to the car, and you and I, we're going to have a discussion about something called violation of privacy".
"Sure Noah sure thing" I say as me and stiles smile at each other and the sherif looks between us.
As the sheriff drops me of at home and my mom anwsers the door, her face drops as she wonders why I'm not in my bed.
"I know this is a shock Briana but our little trouble makers never know when to keep their noses out of our businesses". I give a coy smile to my mother as she grabs my ear and drags me in.
" ow ow ow ow" she glared at me and I smile back.
"Bye Noah thanks for bringing her back"
She shuts the door after waving bye to Noah and turns to me.
" I'll deal with you in the morning I'm to tired for this crap right now"
"Sure thing mom! goodnight mom! Love you mom!"
"Ugh your not getting away with this" as she starts walking to her bedroom.
I run up the stairs and text Scott but before I can get a reply I fall right asleep tired from all the running and walking around the woods. Hopefully I'll see Scott at school tomorrow.

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