New Years

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I was never one for parties, Momo wasn't either. Luckily though, Mina was. When Uraraka dragged me to their place I was dreading it. I'd rather lay in bed but I knew there was no way I could get out of it. We were all busy with college finals, we would really only see each other during class. And we didn't share that many. That last time I saw everyone all together was a few months ago when Mina and Uraraka dragged everyone to a carnival where the two celebrated their 2 year anniversary. They wanted to be surrounded by their friends. But we always celebrated New Years together.

When Uraraka and I showed up, some of them came to talk and hug, but a lot of them were already deep into drunk conversations with other people. Deku and Iida were sitting on the couch, drinks in hand, completely enamored in what the other was saying. They only looked up when Uraraka hopped down on the couch to join them. I went to the kitchen, squeezing past Tsu and Aoyama, nearly bumping into Kiri and Tamaki (who was invited by their girlfriend) to get to the fridge. I didn't usually indulge in drinks since I turned into (even more of) a dumbass. But I was planning on leaving as soon as the new year started, which was only in a few minutes, so it didn't seem to matter much anyway. I drank a lot of beer, and being a lightweight it hit quickly. I was tipsy when I walked over to the living room and came face to face with Momo.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in so long!" She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug which I gladly accepted. Her hair was down and swept into my face as I buried my face in her shoulder. I could feel her forehead against my neck. We hugged for a little while and when we pulled apart she rested her hand on my cheek. At that point I realized she was a little tipsy too.

"I missed you..." I said without thinking. She smiled.

"I missed you too," She leaned over, the drinks making her more brave than usual, and kissed me on the forehead. This seemed to spark her imagination and remind her of something. "You know, I haven't found someone to kiss on new years." She leaned in a little closer, her hands on my hips pulling me into her chest. Her breath smelt like beer and her skin smelled like roses. "Will you be my first 2022 kiss?" I moved my hands up to her shoulders as I felt my face heat up.

"Oh, uh, yes." She grinned at me and pulled me into the living room and up to the big window that showed the city below. Denki and Sero moved out of the way so we could climb out the window onto the small, luckily empty, terrace. We leaned on the railing, watching the fireworks that were going off in anticipation. She scooted closer to me and I did the same till our sides were pressed together. The air was sharp and cold, she was warm. I glanced down at my watch and saw we had about 20 seconds before new years.

"Almost time?" Momo asked. Her nose was slightly red and she was shivering. I quickly took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders as I nodded. When I tugged it over her shoulders, I looked into her eyes and saw she was staring at me. The others inside started counting down, and in the distance I could hear the people of the city shouting it. Her eyes were grey and the light from the apartment shone on them. We leaned in as they got to 5. Right before they got to one, I made my new year's resolution. I would finally ask Momo on a date.

"...2! 1!" A firework went off, and we kissed.

Her lips were so soft, her hand was resting on my cheek pulling my face closer. I could feel it all over, it was... intense, and amazing. I moved my hand to her lower back to keep her close to me. After a long while of heaven, (A few seconds) we pulled away and just stared into each other's eyes. Deep grey eyes, a touch of blue. He hand moved down from my cheek to my chin, holding between her thumb and knuckle, she looked over my face. I turned red, embarrassed about being inspected after such a personal moment. She smiled.

"You look beautiful right now, you know." I blinked a few times and gave her a shy smile.

"So do you. You always do, though." I tried to keep my composure, but I shrank back a little bit as my blush deepened. She grinned at me, maybe it was the alcohol that turned her complexion red, but I hoped it was the compliment. She leaned down and kissed me again. First on the lips for a few seconds, then moved to my cheek, my temple, my eye, my forehead. She kissed me all over and I giggled a little, something I was willing to blame on the alcohol after I sobered up but I didn't care about it then. Her lips were soft.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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