-Gaming with Buttercup-

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* you walked into the living room holding a cupcake timidly scared of buttercups attitude *

Y/N: um, b-buttercup 

Buttercup: What- oh it's just you

Y/N: you ok?, I heard you y-yell earlier 

Buttercup: It's nothin ok, It's just hard to play on this thing without breaking the controller. It's all cause of my stupid powers.

Y/N: Well, I wouldn't call them s-stupid, they're actually pretty cool.

* you say as you take a seat next to her*

Buttercup: Oh yeah, why don't you trying playing video games with super strength, it's broken for good now since the controller keeps drifting and I can't even move straight.

Y/N: Oh, is that what the problem is? You mind if I take a look. I-I've fixed a couple of these problems before.

Buttercup: Sure, go ahead 

*she says annoyed as she gives you the controller*

* you open the controller and try your best to try and fix buttercups controller problem*

Y/N: Alright that should work I think 

* you said as you hand buttercup the controller*

Buttercup: Oh sweet! You actually fixed it 

Y/N: Y-you might need to fix it a few times since I don't have all the parts to fully fix but it should work for the time being. J-just tell me if you have anymore of those issues.

Buttercup: Yeah for sure dude, now I can beat this stupid fight 

Y/N: O-oh and bubbles wanted me to give this to you 

*you said as you handed her the cupcake* 

Buttercup: Uh, thanks I guess 

* she said as she took a bite*

Buttercup: Kinda to sweet but it's pretty good

Y/N: heh, yeah bubbles kinda went a little overboard with the s-suger

Buttercup: Hah sounds like her,  you know one time she almost blew up half the kitchen when we were little because tried heating up some leftovers with aluminum foil.

Y/N: W-what! That's actually very dangerous 

Buttercup: I know right, her excuse was that aluminum foil isn't metal it's aluminum 

* you both started laughing together, buttercup surprisingly found it very funny. Her laugh was something you haven't heard before since you always knew her as the hardheaded one. It was nice to hear her laugh once in a while*

Buttercup: Aw man that one never gets old

Y/N: heh, y-yeah sounds like bubbles alright 

Buttercup: And that's not even the best of it, I could go on about the stupid things bubbles has done. OH don't even get me started on blossom, you know one time we told blossom we were going to a French restaurant but we actually took her to an Italian place and she tried speaking FRENCH!! god it was priceless seeing her face when she realized. She ignored me for weeks after that but hell it was worth it.

Y/N: Oh W-wow I didn't think blossom was that gullible. 

Buttercup: Oh man, but it's all good though she forgave us after

Y/N: W-well that's good blossom doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge for long 

Buttercup: Yeah, I love talking about my sisters. I mean yeah they're dumb sometimes but they're good sisters you know. 

* it immediately became awkward not having a subject to talk about * 

Y/N: S-so what're you playing 

Buttercup: I'm just trying to get caught up on G/N

Y/N: Oh! Cool I didn't know anyone else played that game 

Buttercup: you play it too!! Oh man I haven't seen anyone talk about and usually when I do they get all awkward and walk away 

Y/N: You know, y-you can always talk about it with me if you want. I don't really have anyone else to talk to 

Buttercup: Sweet!! For sure man I can share my username so we can play sometime!!

Y/N: O-of course I'd love to!

( oh wow buttercups not anything I thought she was on the outside, I'm glad she got to open up a bit, sounds like she needed it ) 

* you checked your phone * 

Y/N: O-oh it's getting pretty late, I don't want to bother you guys much longer but I'll come back this weekend t-to help the professor 

Buttercup: Alright then, catch you later then dude

* The professor then walked in from around the corner * 

Prof: Heading out so soon Y/n

Y/N: Y-yeah sorry I have to head home or else I'm ganna miss my bus home 

Prof: Alright, thankyou for coming I'll see you this weekend so we can start your internship 

Y/N: T-thankyou for having me professor. It was a very fun time And I can't wait to s-start

Prof: Great! I'll tell the other girls you said bye

* He said as he walked you out the door * 

( Oh god oh god , I hope I didn't make a bad impression or anything heck it wasn't even an interview he just seemed to like me, I guess it's a plus since I get to hang out with the others. It feels kind of odd though but I'm definitely excited to start working here when I can) 

* you thought not noticing a drone following you* 

???: Now Now, what have we here 

* The camera zooms in on you*

???: My boy you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into 

-Authors note- Hey y'all , sorry I haven't updated this in a while I was pretty caught up on school and stuff and kinda lost motivation but now I have a bunch of new ideas to write so I'm back and have more coming so hope you like my stuff!! See you guys in the next one ✌️

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