Story Two - The Wolves

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The glowing white moon stands out in the darkness of the night sky, brighter than the sparkling stars. The wolves, packs and packs of them, stream down to the rocky ledge. The one above the marble black lake.

I watch them. I watch them from my window. Each night. Every night.

Their gray fur shimmers in the moonlight. Like it always does.

Nothing ever changes. Not with the wolves.

Sometimes I'll stare for hours, even when they've left. So mesmerizing.

They're not alone. They have company, they have their packmates. Not like me. I'm alone. I have always been alone.

I don't want company. I'm fine the way I am. But sometimes...sometimes I wish there was someone. With me.

As their howls rip through the air, I wonder. Wonder what it would be like. To speak.

I have never spoken a word. Not one word. And I never will...

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