The Lucky Compass - 1

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After John B found his dads compass everybody split for the night. You decided to crash with Kie not really wanting to go home.

"So, you wanna talk about the fight?" Kie asked.

"I mean, we already clarified that we're both sorry. We don't have to-" You started but were quickly interrupted.

"Look, maybe you were right." Kie said taking a seat on her bed across from where you already were.

"Okay, we are talking about it." You said sitting up to look at her. "Which part exactly?"

"The uh, the part about John B." She weakly admitted.

"I knew it!" You yelled. "Sorry! I just really like being right. Super competitive." You laughed the last part.

"I said maybe!" She clarified. "I don't know how I feel, okay. I mean I could like him but at the same time he's my best friend, you know?"

"Yeah, I do." You said slightly defeated.

"Wait, was I right too?" She asked in all seriousness.

"What? No! Of course not." You forced out a chuckle. "Thats crazy..."

"Is it?" Kie shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah..." You said avoiding the truth. "Completely."

"Y/n, what happened to being honest with one another?" Kie asked.

"Even when the truth can hurt someone you care about?" You asked now hugging your knee.

"Yeah..." She said.

"Okay, maybe I do have feelings for John B, okay?" You admitted. What Kie accused you of this morning was true. You were head over heals for John B Routledge. "But this stays between us, okay?"

"Of course. We're in the same boat." Kie said.

"What does this mean for us?" You asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean we have feelings for the same guy. Shouldn't we like hate each other or some shit?" You asked.

"This isn't some high school movie babe, don't be so dramatic." She laughed causing you to do the same.

"So then we agree. No matter what happens, neither of us makes a move, ever." You said holding out your pinky. "Promise?"

"Promise." She said before the two of you kissed your hands to lock the promise.


The next day you rode with Kie to the Wreck. The two of you split once arriving and went on to work your very different jobs. As you climbed the life guard chair you heard voices talking about you from behind.

"Damn, that's a fine piece of ass bro." You heard come from none other than Rafe Cameron. "It's too bad she's a Pogue bro, I would so hit that."

"Who wouldn't." Kelce told him fist bumping him.

"Hey boys, how about you stop talking about me like I'm some kind of object, okay?" You said lowering your sunglasses.

"How about you tell your boy that he should think the next time he puts a gun to my boy Toppers head." Rafe shot back.

"Well tell ''your boy'' not to drown people." You said taking the glasses fully off.

"Come on Kelce, all Pogues do is talk what they are: trash." He said before they walked away.

"Yeah get out of here before the cops show up. I suspect that there are drugs on the premises." You said, blood boiling as you climbed down from your chair.

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