Just Something That I Wrote A While Back

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So... I don't even know why I wrote this, lmao! Anywho, here it is!

It's so hard. When you see the clouds weeping, and the wind groaning in pain. Darkness consuming the land, and all forms of life falling into a deep, dark pit. But you have to stay there. Be the sunshine, be the light blue sky, be the aromatic flowers. The first one to bloom for everyone else.

Sometimes I wonder if I should let it all go, and fall into the pit myself, never coming back. But then I remember. It's my destiny. It's what makes the radiant smiles of people show themselves, like a cloud letting a ray of sunshine through.

The suffocating pain is so hard to live with, but the beauty of life around me keeps me going. Happy and healthy. The pain might never go away, I know that. The long, horrible nights, the fear, the loneliness.

And suddenly, I'm consumed. It encircles me in a cloud of despair, making all my thoughts a big, unorganized mess. All of them being used for hate.

It seems to never end. Just when my flower starts blooming again, a thorn eradicates it's path. 


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