2. I just had sex

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I never should've eaten the pasta I made last night. My stomach has been hurting so bad, and now I don't think I can hold the bile rising anymore.

Lunch break is over and now I'm heading to my next class. I'm surprised I'm still alive considering the fact that I have very low pain tolerance and my stomach is killing me, feels like a thousand knives stabbing me at once .

The only thing that has been keeping me alive is everyone complimenting me in how good my new hair looks on me and also me bitching about Aiden to Jennie. She was fuming after I told her everything about what happened last night.

"When I see him I'm gonna rip his dick off and shove it so far up his ass he'd be able to pull it out from his mouth." Was what she said before storming to her next class.

I can't take it anymore, I rush to the closest bathroom, but as soon as I open the door, the view in front of me makes me want to puke on the spot. It was Irina, our schools bitch, her bra tucked down and boobs spilling out sucking some guys dick. She looks at me and rolls her eyes, while still sucking his cock.

Not able to hold in anymore I mumble a small "excuse me" and run to the closest stall, close the door and throw up all of last nights and today's lunch, my mouth feels like i just drank a bottle of poison. I get out of the stall and find the two of them still there sucking each other, the guy picks her up from her hips and makes her sit on the counter and starts kissing her aggressively. I debate whether I should or should not wash my hands. I finally decide to wash my hands quickly and leave the bathroom as soon as possible .

I awkwardly go the sink and open the tap, the water starts to come out slower than it usually does. I frown when the backs of my hands keep touching the sink as I try to wet them. I quickly pump some soap and lather it as fast as I can. The two of barely care about my presence in the bathroom. I aspire to have such confidence.

I turn the tap open to wash the shop off, the water falls in a thin line and soon the water stops. I try using other taps but there is literally no water.

I look at the mirror and find the guy getting ready to put his cock inside Irina.

I can't stay in here and watch.

I really want to leave but the soap in my hands are making it hard to. I contemplate whether to just get rid of the soap by using the water from the toilet bowls but immediately reject the idea, that's just nasty. And if this bathroom doesn't have water, then probably the other bathrooms won't and and the filters wouldn't work either because this school is out of fucking water.

I go inside a stall to farthest away from them to give the two some privacy which I don't think they'd really care if I stood and watch them fuck each other, and also not hear sounds of of two people fucking. I sit on the toilet and start saying affirmation so that the water would come in quickly and I would be able to leave.

I pull my earphones out from my pocket, deciding to block all sorts of horrendous sounds that will be made in the next couple of minute. After finding a decent song I plug my earphones in and groove. Unknowingly, my wires start to tangle around my arms and before I know it, my earphones are plugged out.

Oh hey, didn't see you there
Guess what I just did
Had sex, undressed, saw her boobies and the rest
Well sure
Nice of her to let you do that thing
Nice of any girl ever

Now sing
I just had sex
And it felt so good (felt so good)
A woman let me put my penis inside her (her)
I Wanna tell the world

I shake my head, getting out of my trance and quickly turn off the music. Sitting myself down on the toilet and trying to flush myself down.

I hear a deep annoyed groan,"fucking hell" the guy says,"I don't feel like fucking you anymore"

"What do you mean you don't feel like fucking anymore?" Irina yells with frustration, the dude clicked his tongue in annoyance and snarled,"just get out of here"

"If there is anyone that needs to be getting out of here, it's you. You are in the girls bathroom, so you get out." She says

"Watch that dirty mouth of yours" he snarls," I wouldn't be talking to me like that if I were you." I hear a loud gasp come out of Irina and in a matter of seconds, the bathroom door opens and shuts close.

A few minute later, I get out of the stall and open the tap but there is still no water. I think I'm going to cry now. I heave a sigh of relief when the water starts pouring in its usual pace a few seconds later. I get rid of the of the now dried soap, pull out some tissue, dry my hand and make my way to exit the bathroom but immediately stop.

The guy from earlier was still in here, standing right in front of the door so there was no way I could leave.

I raise a nervous brow at him when I notice the look on his face, he's look at me the same way a predator would when it find its prey, I feel my stomach clench. I was wearing a crop top and a high waist loose straight Levi's and even though I wasn't dressed like a hoe I felt completely naked.

His huge figure makes the bathroom feel very cramped. I feel like I'm losing my breath not because of him but because of how suffocating the room feels.

He indeed is beautiful, his face is beautifully sculpted and his body, holy shit his hard chest and abs could be seen though his thin shirt and it looked fucking hot and all, but at the same time he looked extremely dangerous and kinda scary which just made me feel uneasy.

I muster up the courage and ask him if he can move so I could leave, he face just lights up with amusement probably because I look like I'm scared the fuck out of my mind, just so you know I'm a pussy, I get frightened easily.

I notice a gun tucked in his waist band on the side of his jeans.

Even though I grew up in a family where guns are basically used as utensils , I still freak out when I see one. I remember how scared I was of holding a gun during my training sessions. My dad had trained me to use a gun and also fight so if I ever stumble upon any danger, I could protect myself.

"Your taste in music is a really big turn off ya know," I frown in disagreement,"push-lease, I just had sex is gold."

"Right" he says with an amused grin. He takes a few steps back and wraps his large hands around the doorknob, ready to leave but before opening the door his grin turns into an annoyingly breath-taking smirk "hope to see you soon carrots" and with that he leaves.

I start taking deep breaths trying to calm my nerves down. I hurriedly walk out of the bathroom and head to my next class.

Earlier this day, I thought about leaving school early because of my extremely bad stomach but now I need to tell Aiden what just happened? Well, Aiden because we both have the same class next.

I sat throughout the whole period alone. Aiden had bunked class, and even though i talk to my classmates I don't think they'd give a shit about what happened earlier

Not feeling like attending any more classes , I decide to head to the infirmary and take a nap until the final bell rings.

Today was supposed to be the day I flaunt my red hair, but noo i just had to mix the wrong colours and look like a fucking orange, furthermore, I saw people fucking in the bathroom. It may not be a big deal to others but it is for me, like yo I'm still a kid.

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