Chapter 17

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Jessica's POV

Hearing the voice makes me shiver, concidering I know the voice. I turn to see exactly who I thought it was. My dad. I turn my whole body to face him. "W-Why are y-you here?" I ask in a low, shakey tone. He just grins at me.

"Well don't you want to see your little brother?" He asks, walking over to by a trash can and leaning over and picking up someting. He picks up what looks like a small boy and then I  realize who it is. It's Alex.  I quickly run up to him and grab him, pushing my father away from him. Alex is baraly breathing. "He's gone, good luck." My dad says, laughing. I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I lay Alex down on the cold pavment. He's unconshious. Still breathing hardly. I stand up as my dad turns to leave.

"No, if he dies, I want to die with him." I say, trying to sound strong but it not working at all. I'm crying and breathing very heavaly, and shaking badly. My dad stops and turns to face me. I smile grows on his face. 

"Why? Why when I know it's going to haunt you for the rest of your life. Maybe if you didn't want him to die, you should've taught him better." My breathing increases as he says this to me. I get the craziest idea after he tells me this. It begins to rain before I say this, then it begins to pour.

"Then I will do it myself." I say. He looks at me and chcuckles. He then takes a knife out of his pocket. A rather large one too. He then slides it on the ground to me.

"Do it." He simply says. I knew he would want to watch but that doesn't mean anything to me. As long as I could be with my brother.  I pick up the knife, then sit down by my brother on the wet ground. I look at the knife for a minute. Then I roll up my sleeve. I put it over the main vein in my wrist. I know that if I cut that, I'm a goner. I look down at my little brother and smile. I lean down to his ear.

"See you soon, baby brother." I lean back up, and just as I'm about to make the cut, I hear a voice call out my name. I look out onto the street and see Ashton. No, NO! I quickly stand up and throw the knife. I pick up Alex and run past my father and to Ashton, not caring that my wrist is in full view but he doesn't seem to notice. Under more light I can see the blood on Alex's shirt where his shoulder is, but he was bleeding out. We don't have much time.

"Jessica what are yo-" His eyes widen to see my brother in my arms, dying. he looks behind me at my dad. He gets a really sad, but angery look on his face and then looks back over at me and my brother. 

"Ashton... Ashton we n-need to ge-" I cant finish before I break down crying. 

"I know, I know, Let's go!" He says and he takes Alex from my arms. I left my phone so I can't call 911. We begin running in the direction of the hospital, it's not far from here. As we are abou to reach the end of the block I hear a gun shot but don't bother to look back, I just screach a little and run faster. I see the hospital as soon as we turn on the block. We run to it and run in. As soon as we get in a nurse at the desk runs over to us.

"What happened?" She asks as other doctors and nurses pull over a streacher. Ashton lays him on the strecher and tells the nurse that he doesn't know what happened.

"This is big sister, Jessica." He tells the nurse. We get to the end of a hall and they enter a room and don't let us in. I look in the room as they begin to operate on him and I drop to the floor crying, not being able to watch my brother like this. Ashton sits by me and wraps his arms around me. Then it hits me, Michael. I pull away from the hug.

"Ashton give me your phone, I have to call Michael." I say.

Ashton pulls out his phone from his pocket without question and gives it to me. I quickly dial Michael's number. It rings for a minute.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Michael! Michael, it's Jessica, get to the hospital now! Please!" I say, out of breath and crying.

"Why? What happended? Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"I- I'm fine, but Alex isn't.. My dad was in an ally and so was my brother. Alex is beaten up and hardly breathing." 

"I'm on my way." He says and hangs up. I give Ashton his phone back and put my head in my knees and continue to ball my eyes out. Ashton rubs my back. I remember my sleeve is up and I pull it down.

"Let's go to the waiting room." Ashton says, calmly and quietly. I look up at him, his expression is soft and sad. He has tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry.." I whisper. He smiles at me, and puts his hand on my cheek.

"Come on, let's go." He says taking my hand. We stand up and walk to the waiting room, hand in hand.


It's been about five minutes of me and Ashton sitting in  the waiting room, me still crying my eyes out. I see Michael walk in the room and I jump up quickly and run over to him. I hug him tightly and he hugs me back. We stay like that for a few minutes and I cry into his chest.

"Shh... Shhh it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay... He's going to be okay." Michael tells me. Eventually we pull back from the hug and we go sit down. I see a tear roll down Michael's cheek when we sit down.

"Michael, please don't cry." I say. He looks at me.

"Jessica, we fucking raised him, how am I not supposed to cry?" Michael says.

"I know we did. But we need to be strong for him, I mean, we need to keep telling ourselves that it's going to be alright." I say, knowing that if my father stabbed him or anything, that Alex is most likely almost gone as we speak. I know that he most likely won't make it out, but there's that chance. I also understand his pain. Michael and I did raise him almost since the day he was born. I'm trying to stop crying but thinking about this and seeing Michael cry really.. really is not helping.

"I know... It's just hard."

"It's hard for me too, Michael." I say, tears coming back but I try to hold them back the best I can. It's going to be a long ass night.

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