The Tale of the Gwyngalfar

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The Gwyngalfar was an old clan of Satyrs living in the Feywild, widely respected as bards and entertainers, they were like the typical satyrs jovial, fun-loving, hedonistic. There were no female satyrs in the feywild, but the Satyrs found beauty in all races, both the mortal and immortal, while most satyrs took mortal wives of all races, be they half-orc or elf. Much like the Orc blood, but with one difference, the satyr blood only dictates the firstborn of such a union become a male Satyr, all the others may become male satyrs or simply whatever race the mother was. Whereas orc blood always makes more orcs or at least half-orcs.

The Gwyngalfar Clan lived in the forests of Thither before it was taken over and corrupted by a vicious hag. However before that, it was an idyllic place, where the Gwyngalfar lived and thrived, playing their songs and reciting their stories for anyone who wished to listen, they were even so well known that members of their clan were often summoned to courts around the Feywild to perform to banquets and parties.

One such banquet ended poorly if you ask anyone but the Gwyngalfar. The satyr Othois was summoned to sing and perform, in the court of one of the lesser noble fey lords. However Othois partook a little too much in the wine and smoke, and he ended up having a row with one of the daughters of the noble, and this led to the birth of a child, a bastard. The noble was furious and tried to kill the little satyr, however, Othois father Tintharel pulled some strings with one of the Archfey his family had good relations with and was handed the child, and the child would be known as Carassin, Gwyn was different, while all Satyrs were the epitome of beauty, they had horns and goat legs.

Gwyn was even more beautiful, he had a smile unlike any other and his eyes were a deep blue that pierced the very soul and wet the thighs of any young maiden, and this he used much to his amusement in his later years. Gwyn was lazy and only learned the bare minimum of the bardic tradition of the Gwyngalfar, he'd much rather spent his time on the mortal realm, causing mischief and hiding amongst the common folk.

On one particular visit to the mortal realm, his whimsical and careless demeanor changed when he visited the city of Waterdeep on the Sword Coast, he met a woman. A beautiful, young elf with short blonde hair and a scar across her face, but this only added to her beauty, she was dressed in leather and had a bow slung over her shoulder. Gwyn became infatuated, however much to his dismay, his charms and piercing glance didn't work on this elf. Put down but not defeated, he started learning about her, and turns out she was a hunter for an elven group, Gwyn disguised himself as an elf and managed to join in on their hunts. Gwyn knew nothing of the sport and had to bullshit his way through it all, which he did, to some degree.

One day however he was separated from the group while on a routine hunt to gather meat for the coming winter. And he happened upon a grove, foul and corrupted, with the stench of swamp water and death. Curious as to what this was he went further in, suddenly he was surrounded by a cloud of poison and fell, he quickly got on his feet to see a young green dragon in front of him reeling back to take a bite as an arrow whistled past him and straight into the monsters eye.

As the dragon recovered it gave Gwyn an opening to flee, but the dragon swiped in blind and hit him sending him flying into a tree, his arm was grabbed and he was pulled onto his feet, it was Cariel the elf he was so infatuated with, they exchanged a glance that felt like it lasted for hours, but more they didn't manage as the dragon beat its wings and within a second was in front of them, Cariel ducked under a swipe and shot her bow, but it bounced off its tough draconic hide, Gwyn being nowhere near a fighter did what he did best and ran the other way from where Cariel had gone and started weaving a distracting tune to give Cariel a better opening.

This worked and the dragon turned its body and head to Gwyn and brought down its entire weight on him, he managed to duck as to only be pinned by his shoulder, but this was enough, Cariel jumped onto the tail of the scaled foe and ran up it's back, the dragon bucked and kicked sending her into the air, she tossed her bow and drew her long, slender elven blade and brought it down with the momentum and pierced the skull, killing their adversary as it landed on top of Gwyn, at this moment the other hunters came and helped get the dragon off of him, both of them broken and beaten they were helped back to the elven camp nearby where they were patched up with medicine and magic.

Apparently, Cariel had been struck with a poisoned claw and had become severely ill from it. As they both laid there recovering in their beds, to pass the boredom they would talk, Gwyn at first but eventually Cariel became widdled down and started sharing her hopes and dreams. And a bond was formed and they grew close.

And eventually, Gwyn revealed his true self to Cariel, she was understanding in why he hid his true form because as an elf she too was familiar with prejudice, this union of Gwyn and Cariel ended when she became with child, after the child was born, they named him Twynheir. Gwyn knew he had to return to the feywild with their son, as was Fey law. And if he did not hunters would be sent for them and they would all be killed. But Gwyn vowed to come back and visit Cariel when Twynheir was old enough. But when he returned the forest of Thither was corrupted by the hag and in that war. Gwyn was killed and left Twynheir never knowing who his mother was.

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