Chapter 13 - Part 1

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For the next few months Lexi focused on teaching them. Teaching them what she knew from before and after the apocalypse. She taught them to track, as they swept all the houses in the area she left Lady Bugs with spray paint crayons didn't matter she left the signal something her dad would be able to see if he ever came by this town.

The chances were so slim but they were there. She couldn't give up on finding them. Either way, by the time they got into a groove they were running out of places. It's not that they hit everything, it was the places they couldn't go to were over infested with Walkers. The big buildings Duane had put red marks on the map had been out of their view.

They should have kept it that way. Kept to their safety net. If they did maybe this wouldn't have happened..


"Today was a good run kids, got at least 3 weeks' worth of rations," Morgan told Lexi and Duane as they walked through the town toward their base.

"I'm surprised we found toothpaste," Lexi says with a chuckle looking around. The town was slowly growing vines and new plants, nature was taking her planet back that's for sure.

"Whoa," Duane says as they walked near the library, it was just like the other buildings swarmed with walkers, covered in moss and overgrown weeds. The building wasn't very structurally sound so Lexi never could suggest clearing it for her beloved books. Besides, it was swarmed, luckily the nearly 30 walkers were contaminated by the gates that guarded the parking lot. Someone locked it up. However, there is no telling how many are inside.

"Sorry Lexi," Morgan says looking at her longing stare at the library.

"It's alright.."

"Anyways we cleared nearly all the houses by now I'm thinking we move toward the north to the next town Duane mapped out," Lexi tells them as they pass the library trying to stay out of sight

"Sounds good to me,"

"Help!" All their heads whip towards the library

"Please! I can see you I'm stuck- Please!" The man screamed at them Lexi could see a window but didn't see the man.

"Morgan-" Lexi said making a shying sound at the window. The yelling stopped

"I know," he did a very thin whistle and they moved towards the door before Duane opened it Lexi drew on the door a large red butterfly with Walker blood from the floor

"The blood new, he hasn't been in their long. If he needs help he's trapped in the office with that window. I know this library I've been a million times." Lexi told them they nodded

"Could be walkers could be a bookcase but either way remember the rules," Morgan said

"We know," Duane said with a nod

They opened the doors ready to fight the swarm but it never came. The office to their right was blocked with a bookcase it must have broke and fell. The three managed to lift it and open the door the man fell forward onto Lexi sobbing and saying thank you. She gagged at how he smelled, something about him reminded her of her uncle.

"Don't," Morgan said peeling the man off of Lexi he stood in front of the kids pointing his pistol at the man.

"We have questions," Morgan said

"I don't think you're in a position to be asking them," Lexi spun pointing her slingshot at him. A man wearing what she could only assume was a Halloween cowboy costume, came from behind a few bookshelves holding up his pistol.

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