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Taeyong's pov

After eating my dinner in my icebox with Doyoung, my night was quiet. Not much happened once I was done. Doyoung had offered me the couch in the leader's house for the night so I didn't have to face Kai till we were both calmed down. I accepted, of course. It would have been awkward sleeping with Kai after what I did. I threatened him last night, even if I didn't mean to. I pulled him out of his chair and nearly froze him.

I need to be away from people for a bit. But I can't simply avoid everyone for a few days. This place isn't exactly that big. "Taeyong! I made egg drop soup!" I still get confused by that Australian accent. It's just a little out of place down here. I sat up from the couch I was on, Stretching my arms as I rose. The couch was nice but very cramped. My bones didn't appreciate the position I was in all night. "Come on! We never have overnight guests. Enjoy my cooking before it gets anything other than boiling!" I don't understand how someone could be so energetic in the morning. Also, I have a good heat tolerance, but there's no way I could drink boiling soup, that's ridiculous.

When I got up I went into the kitchen, sitting at the table with Namjoon and Doyoung. "Are you... actually drinking boiling soup?" Doyoung had his soup in a cup rather than a bowl and was actually drinking it. It was still steaming, badly. Doyoung looked up at me, no longer drinking his boiling soup. "I breathe fire Yong." to demonstrate Doyoung flew a small puff of fire at his cup before continuing to drink. I doubt I can do that. So of course when bangchan set a bowel in front of me I waited. Once he got his food and sat down he tried eating immediately.

That went, horribly. "He does this whenever he cooks for anyone besides us." I felt bad as Bangchan held a hand over his mouth, clearly dealing with a minor burn. I lifted a hand and tried focusing my power on my fingertips. I wanted to make an ice cube for him. "Half the battle is visualization". It's just like making snowflakes, same concept, new shape. I moved my hand in a small circular motion, the ball quickly forming. I focused on keeping the ball suspended as I got it to travel the short distance to Bangchan. He grabbed it out of the air and popped it into his mouth. He seemed to be relieved having the cold against the self-inflicted soup burn.

"Haven't even had a lesson and you can control the movement of your ice. Remarkable." Namjoon completely disregarded his breakfast, now focused on me. His eyes were that familiar electric blue. He was analyzing me. Some of these things have just been coming naturally, nothing that bizarre. I mean I could make snowflakes float, I just had to get the ice away from my hand. I don't need a connection to move ice, I just need to be able to feel it. Well not physically feel it, I guess since it would be a better explanation.

I waved my hand over my bowl, wanting to cool it down. It was extremely embarrassing when I completely froze my bowl... and part of the table. "His temperature control is awful." I glared at Doyoung when he spoke. "What? I was the same way kid. I used to only make flames that were 250 degrees celsius, but now I have a max of nearly 4500 degrees" Wow, 250 is really low for fire. I wonder how cold my ice is? I remember one time I was messing with a thermometer and got my body heat down to 10°c. That's just body heat though. "250 Celcius is the minimum for fire to sustain. Ice of course has a minimum of zero... celsius". Why is everyone emphasizing the celsius part so much? Were all taught celsius as a kid right?

"Johnny talks in Fahrenheit, he's from America. We've gotten used to specifying". I hate how easily Namjoon reads me. He knows exactly what I'm thinking all the time. It's creepy. Also, I have no issues with America, I learned about them a lot doing a geography assignment freshman year. But I despise their Fahrenheit system. Why, why do you continue to use a system that no one understands? They are literally the only country that uses it. I tried to stop thinking about temperature as I looked down at my food. Which actually made me think more since my soup was solid now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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