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The moon had set itself high in the night sky above Las Nevadas. Schlatt flicked his cigar to the side of the road before sliding through the revolving door of the casino. After entering, he made his way through the lobby, looking for Quackity, wishing to discuss more plans for the newer land. He spotted a pair of yellow wings down the hall, and some- green substance? He couldn't place it but it was most definitely familiar. As he continued walking, he could make out faces. Quackity's, of course, and an unmistakable poppy flower crown that belonged to..- "Slimecicle..?" He said without realizing his legs had pulled him close enough for the two to hear him. The slime in question turned at his name and his heart(?) almost stopped. "Uncle J..?" he spoke just above a whisper. Quackity's face was full of confusion and shock that these two knew each other. "Huh-? Okay hold on, I have some questions. One, what the hell? You two know each other, and two, 'uncle'?" 

"So, you're telling me you-" Quackity pointed at Schlatt. "-knew his-" pointing to Slime "-parents? Also hold on you have parents? And you have a sibling?" The duck hybrid had too many questions running through his head. "Ok hold on." Schlatt interjected, raising his hands in front of himself as if telling Quackity to 'back up'. "I don't have a brother for one thing. That's just a nickname I guess." He said flatly, shrugging. "And he doesn't have parents. More of a creator than anything else." The ram man pointed his thumb to the slime next to him. "Creator? What was he, a lab experiment?" Schlatt huffed a laugh. "No. He's a product of a god from long ago." Quackity was flabbergasted at the casual tone of the mans voice. "God? Like Foolish?" He questioned. Schlatt thought for a moment. "If I remember correctly, he was more powerful. His name was Charlie, great guy really. Acted as the kid's dad with the help of the other more powerful gods." He explained. Quackity would have let it slide by him if he weren't paying more attention. "'Great guy?' Did you know him?" He smirked, amused. "Oh yea. I was actually one of them." Q choked on air. "Huh?! You were a god, of all people!?" He almost laughed before Slimecicle agreed with him. Quackity couldn't find it in himself to question this guy. His whole existence was unnatural to him. "Yeah! I remember walking around the temple one day, and found this big hole. After looking down it, all I could see was void so I left it be. But since then, I never saw anyone." He sighed. "Well, I guess 'til now." He looked over at Schlatt and smiled.

"So that's what happened." Schlatt said to himself. "Uncle J, do you know where they went?" He looked to his left to see Slimecicle. "Who bud?" He asked. "..." Slime paused for a moment. Why couldn't he remember the names of the people who raised him? He thought to himself a little longer before four nicknames popped into his head. With no hesitation they just came out. "Dad, Ly, Di and Poppy?" Schlatt's eyes widened a little. He thought for a moment, looking from the younger mans face to the poppy flower crown place on his head. The flowers had long wilted. "I think we can talk about that tomorrow." He said, directing his eyes to the fancy digital clock on the wall. 12:00 AM. He heard a little sigh beside him and looked back. "You feeling alright?" The ram hybrid asked. Slime nodded his head. "It's just- some memories are coming back and it's all just really confusing." Schlatt hummed and nodded. "It probably doesn't help to be tired. I remember when you were smaller you were a big fan of sleep despite not exactly needing it." He smiled fondly. "You look like you need it now though." He said, looking at the unnatural bags under the slime's eyes. He yawned, "I guess yeah.." Slimecicle turned and began walking towards the elevator. He stopped abruptly and turned to look Schlatt in the eyes. "Goodnight, Uncle J." He smiled, then hurried on his way. The man in question smiled, remembering how much he missed the kid. The smile fell when he remembered he also needed sleep now that he is alive again. He made his way out the casino and to the hotel room Quackity had so graciously let him pay for. After checking in and entering his room, he flopped onto his bed, thinking about how he was going to tell Slime about all that had happened.


Sorry it's short! There will hopefully be more in the future, and luckily I know what I'll be doing for it. With that in mind this'll maybe only have one more chapter and then I'd be done. Just a short thing sharing this AU.

Let me know any writing tips 'n stuff, constructive criticism only sis. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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