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Shocked gasps rang around the clearing as Jagged' Star announced the news. Ash' Trail put on a concerned face as he wondered which cat had found it, and who had passed away. ' ' Settle down. ' ' Jagged' Star repeated. He heard Sparrow' Paw pad into his den, muttering to his mentor. The crowd still talked to eachother in hushed whispers, but Ash' Trail poked his ears up and twitched his whiskers, listening intently to catch every detail. ' ' The identity of the cat is a Riverclan cat, their name is Moss' River. ' ' He jumped a little as Olive' Spring called out harshly, ' ' Why was a fox-hearted Riverclan warrior on our territory? They're pretty far away and they wouldn't go this far for nothing! ' ' Others nodded, waiting for an answer. ' ' I do not know the answer to that. ' ' Jagged' Star replied humbly. ' ' What I will do is send a patrol to talk to Riverclan. ' ' The old cat said, reassuring Ash' Trail. ' ' Goose' Puddle, Golden' Pelt, Bumble' Glare, White' Foot, and Rowan' Wood. You shall travel to Riverclan, and wait for a patrol, do not cause any quarreling. We don't need more reason to battle, they're already our enemies. ' ' He stated his cats down, their heads bobbing as they nodded slowly. ' ' Good. ' ' He mewed curtly. ' ' Meeting dismissed, you shall take off right now, it might take a bit to get there. There will be a search patrol sent out if you don't come back by sunset. ' ' Jagged' Star added as the cats disappeared out of sight through the shrub filled tunnel. ' ' Tell me all about it! ' ' Leaf' Shade called after Goose' Puddle. Ash' Trail groaned, he was so tired but he felt as if he was supposed to be doing something. He decided to go visit his brother, the medicine apprentice, Sparrow' Paw. He walked across the clearing, his pads aching as he longed for sleep. ' ' Hey, ' ' He pushed his head through the brambles covering the entrance. ' ' Oh, hi, Ash' Trail. I forgot to tell you congratulations on becoming a warrior so soon, sorry I missed your ceremony that day. ' ' He looked Sparrow' Paw in the eyes, he rubbed his muzzle under his chin. ' ' It's alright, ' ' He guided Sparrow' Paw to a sunny spot near a rock, they splayed out, talking and laughing. If only their sister hadn't left for Windclan to be with her true love. ' ' Don't you ever miss Oak' Sun.. ' ' He started, turning his head to gaze at his brother, sympathy in his eyes. ' ' Mhm, I don't dislike her mate but I wish she never left, I miss her so much. ' ' He agreed, ' ' At least we'll see her at the next gathering if we can go. ' ' Ash' Trail added. He got up, Sparrow' Paw as well, ' ' Nice catching up, I have to go lay herbs out to dry. See you later, Ash! ' ' He said his goodbyes aswell, heading to the fresh-kill pile to take the blackbird Leaf' Shade had caught on the dawn patrol to the elders. He found is swiftly, they had buried them deep down to keep them dry from the rain that was coming, but it hadn't happened yet. He dropped the blackbird at the den, the elders hissing at him for making them come and get it, but Ash' Trail was so tired he could sleep for 3 moons.

The clouds started to darken, and the drizzling only got worse. He had suggested earlier that they take the prey into the old fox den they had found in the hollow a while ago. His idea seemed to have been working, as he noticed Tansy' Paw gnawing on a bone as she plucked the last of a thin mouse off of it. Mallow' Paw gathered her back inside, but left the bones there. ' ' Agh.. apprentices.. ' ' He muttered, ' ' can't even clean up their own rubbish. ' ' He huffed under his breath. He noticed the patrol that had left earlier entering the campgrounds, their pelt soaked to the bone. Ash' Trail watched as Leaf' Shade's head poked excitedly up, she bounced over to Goose' Puddle, covering him with questions and springing around him. Jagged' Star appeared out of his den, dry clumps of moss that were sticking to his pelt, now wet, and would be harder to groom off. Speaking of grooming, he licked his paws and drew it over his ear, he had felt a speck of dirt up there all day, and it was irritating him all the while. He watched as Rowan' Wood and White' Foot trotted after Jagged' Star, it seemed they had gathered the most information about Riverclan. Golden' Pelt and Goose' Puddle with Leaf' Shade, still annoying him with questions, padded into the Warriors Den, drenched in the outside but cozy and warm on the inside, occasionally drips of water had bypassed the brambles and leafs they had used to cover it, but it wasn't that bad. It had only woken Ash' Trail up two times. He peeked through the branches, the cats still hadn't come out of the leader's den. Ash' Trail decided to take a short nap to pass the time. He tucked his nose under his tail, adjusting his body so he was comfortable, and dozed off to dream land. He awoke in a dark forest, looking around for any cats. ' ' Hello? ' ' He mewed nervously. ' ' Is anybody here? ' ' He repeated his words, just in better phrasing. ' ' Ash.. ' ' Whispers of cats arose around him, his fur stood on end, his tail fluffing up to twice it's actual size. ' ' Ash' Trail.. ' ' More voices repeated. ' ' You could have killed Bumble' Glare.. ' ' The voices said. ' ' Murderer. ' ' They said, ' ' Traitor. ' ' They repeated. ' ' Cheater of  a cat.. tsk tsk tsk. ' ' He knew he was not in Starclans hunting grounds now. He was in the dark forest. How ambitious am I really? He thought. ' ' Would I really kill my own clanmate for power? ' '

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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