Chapter 2

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     This is my first ever wattpad so sorry if it's cringe, i'm not a very good writer. Either way I hope you enjoy the thought and concept of this fanfiction. Some chapters might be written differently than others considering I don't know what my writing style is yet. Please bear with me throughout this experience. Anyways, enjoy!

     It has been a week and a couple more people have joined the VP. Everyone was very shocked that two C9 and one Sen. players had joined their ranks. C9 Keeoh as Killjoy, C9 Katsumi as Astra, and Dapr as Cypher. The three had all calm and simple arrivals except Dapr which included slight cursing and yelling. All in all, there were now seven of the content creators and pro players gathered in the Alternate Universe. Everyone had gotten to know each other by name and wanted to try fighting each other for the first time. Now that they were in the game there were no limits to what they do, so whoever dies can just be resurrected by Grim, our sage. So we had six players left, since we need grim alive to ult. They had decided on Kyedae, Keeoh, and Tyson on one team and Katsumi, Dapr, and Jodi on the other.

     They all geared up and jumped into the teleport at the Hq that took them to heaven. They all had an intercom being able to talk to the other team and to their own team. Everyone was tense considering they were about to fight each other for the first time, of course they had held and shot a gun before but none of them really thought that this was real.

     Both teams quickly split up onto the different sides of the map and ready themselves for a fight. "Everyone ready?" Tyson asked over the main intercom, waiting to hear from the others. A mixed answer of yes and a small no from Katsumi could be heard. "Well then, let's rock this popsicle stand." The defending team, Kyedae, Keeoh, and Tyson, split up on all the sites. "I've always wanted to say that." Tyson commented over the team intercom. "Sadly, same." Keeoh responded, "But I guess you beat me too it." He said laughing. "Aye guys," Kyedae said seriously, "They're here."

"Shit" Tyson started to sprint to C site

"Oh no, Oh no." Kyedae's hands started shaking as they started to plant the spike as she was sitting in the back of the site.

"Calm down Kyedae we will be there in a second, just try to stop them from planting." Keeoh explained.

The calm Killjoy Ran onto site recklessly and killed the hotheaded Cypher. The spike planter stopped planting to deal with the situation at hand.

"Now!" Keeoh screamed.

     She swung from the back of site and killed Katsumi, the slick Reyna snagged a kill on Keeoh and flicked to Kyedae. It was now a one v. one and Jodi had planted the spike. Tyson dashed out and up drafted into the air, right clicking Jodi with a classic. He quickly got on spike with plenty of time to spear. The beeping had stopped and the dead teammates were taken to the healer who res'd all of them back to life for the next round.

POV: Katsumi, Dapr, and Jodi

     The round had started and Tyson had asked if everyone was ready, they all muttered a quick yes with the exception of the astra's no. The team had decided to go to the C site and plant the spike there. Before the round had started Tyson shouted "Lets rock this popsicle stand!", "Lucky, I always wanted to say that." Jodi laughed to the others in person. Dapr spoke up quickly, "Katsumi you plant and Jodi and I will cover, okay?"

"Okay!" she replied

"Alright guys, it's now or never.", "I've always wanted to do this." Jodi said excitedly.

     The team wasted no time in running down C long hoping they didn't get caught off guard. They had just guessed that site was clear because they hadn't seen anyone yet. Katsumi started to plant the spike while Jodi and Dapr covered her. Dapr was quickly killed by reckless keeoh, who stormed onto site taking one down and causing a distraction for the swinging Omen. Jodi's two teammates had been killed. She quickly took out the killjoy and flicked to Kyedae. She had planted spikes but heard too late the sound of Tyson up drafting and dashing. She had been killed. The boy defused the spike and gathered everyone's bodies to bring to grim.

Everyone's POV

"That was awesome!" Dapr praised Jodi.

"Thanks, sadly we lost though" she pouted.

"Sorry guys it's my fault if I had just  not stopped planting to check the site we could have won." Katsumi admitted

"No, you did your best, good job." he praised

"Hell yeah, Jodi you were awesome!" Kyedae came up and high fived the girl.

"Thanks", "Nice move Tyson!"

"Why thank you, it all worked because of Keeoh though." Tyson said

"I know right, I'm so smart!" he boasted

     The entire group laughed and teleported back to HQ thanking Grim for the res'. The Radiants all ate together and stumbled off to bed quietly not wanting to disturb some who might be sleeping.

The entire group had so much fun and drifted off to a deep sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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