Chapter 1

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The rain was cold, but that didn't stop Hope from doing her nightly patrol. A job she had taken up as a way to clear her mind after school. Being the school's alpha wasn't an easy job and even harder than being alpha was keeping up with her girlfriend Penelope the HBIC of the school and her best friend Josie, captain of the rugby team. And Jo's constant "sly" attempts to get into her girlfriend's pants and Penelope being oblivious to said attempts.

Then there is Jo's sister Lizzie, whom Hope hates because according to Josie, Lizzie started some rumours about Hope and some of Hope's family members. Which in turn caused Penelope who used to be Lizzie's best friend to hate her too. Hope just needed the break to clear her head, every now and again.

She shook the icy rain out of her fur and moved along the edge of the school. She was on especially high alert as she sniffed along the ground.  her nose picked up on a familiar scent coated by blood, one that identified a witch but not any normal witch, a siphoner, she stopped and sniffed the air again. She was trying to figure out which direction the smell originated from.

Moving further west, the scent grew stronger. Lizzie? 'what the hell is she doing in my woods?'  Hope's ears perked, trying to hear past the rapid heartbeat of the terrified girl.

"You useless whore you'll sleep out here tonight." A drunken Dr Saltzman slurred as hope approached a clearing. Beside him was his other daughter Josie completely untouched and... smiling. "Why can't you be more like your sister."

"But daddy, we both know that's not possible, my sister's grades are terrible, she sucks at sports and she has no friends because she drove them all away, isn't that right Liz? what was it again.. oh yea someone spreading false rumours about Hope's family." By the time Jo was finished dr. Saltzman was already on his way back to the school. Jo then steps on Lizzie's face, at this point, the girl resembled someone who had been hit with a ton of bricks then thrown down a flight of stairs.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Being the good sister that I am... I couldn't let you stay the night without anything to eat." Jo laughed, pulling a box of what smelt like rotten milk and cigarette blunts from behind her back and placing it on the ground next to Lizzie.

"Enjoy dear sister," She finished cheerfully, Leaving her beaten and bleeding sister behind in the rain.

Hope had of course heard everything from her place, standing behind some trees near the clearing. She was shocked, Jo was always the one coming to Lizzie's rescue in school telling everyone to cut Lizzie some slack and that she was still her sister.

Truthfully Hope had never trusted Jo, she had always been conniving and manipulative so it Shouldn't be much of a shocker that she lied to grow her popularity, But to do this was just downright inhumane.

Before Hope could even make up her mind she was already approaching Lizzie. She could only hope the girl wouldn't recognize her wolf form. It was a full moon so seeing a wolf wouldn't be strange, rare seeing as we're supposed to be locked up but not strange.

Hope POV

As I approached the beaten and bloodied girl she looked at me with fear but it was quickly changed to acceptance. She neither had the energy or will to run away nor did she want to.

I slowed my approach to show I meant no harm then laid beside the now visible shocked girl waiting for her to let the guard down "so you say all of that, I'm sorry you had to," she whispered, her voice coming out dry.

A moment later she fell asleep and I took that as my chance to change back. picking her up I brought her to the old mill, I laid her on the sofa and took care of her wounds as best I could. Then dried her and changed her into so clothes I left there to change into, which was just a hoodie because nothing else of mine would fit her small and overly skinny stature.

Then left for my bed, I mean I felt bad for her but I wasn't obligated to help her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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