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I finally made it to school I sighed as I walked to my first period let's just say I'm not a so called "school person " never was and probably never will be . By the end of 3rd period it was time for my favorite part of the day lunch and I wasn't for the food but don't get me wrong I love food but I love not having to listen to stupid teachers talk about stupid things more anyways as soon as the lunch bell rung I ran out of Mrs robbers class it was something about her class that just made school ten times worse . As I was heading out to to my favorite thing during lunch which was to read under the old oak tree by the back off the school I felt someone tug on my shirt . I turned around just to see the one person i thought I wouldn't. PIPER?!! You see me and piper used to be what you would call besties for years that was before she moved to Canada so what was she doing back here

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