chapter 4: sneaking out??

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Hoping I would wake up and they would be gone after hours of sleeping I woke up and my door was locked thank God I didn't want to talk to them so what should I do maybe sneak out? That's not a good idea but fuck it I'm already in trouble anyway

I opened my window and jumped out hoping to cause no injury to my legs and I didn't but they kinda stung I mean I just jumped from a second story window i mean it only makes sense for them to hurt😃

I think I'm gonna visit her that mushroom lady in that small cottage on the islands and she said I was welcome anytime I wanted so might as well I looked at the sky and it seemed dark maybe around 9pm she's probably asleep but worth a shot

As I was approaching the shore I put the boat I keep in my inventory in my hand and then when I got to the water I boated to her islands when I hopped out of the boat I sprinted to her house wasting little stamina I knocked on the door 1.. 2.. 3 times no one answered she was asleep....or so I thought as I turned around I heard...

And that concludes this chapter sorry to cut it short my dad just got home and I'm supposed to be sleeping my inspiration for this chapter was my best friend call him breb so thank breb for this chapter goodnight/evening/afternoon/morning

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