Chapter 1/ A Day Out

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(A)I do not own Percy Jackson or affiliated stories.


"Hi, my name is Percy Jackson. I'm what is called a Halfblood (half-god, half-mortal). If you are watching this recording because you think you might also be one, then, STOP NOW. and believe whatever lies your gardiens told you. If you are reading this because you think it is all fantesy and not my life, then please enjoy.

So if you are reading this then I should probably tell you my back story but I think you don't need to know much so here's the over view: i am a half blood, I absolutely love blue food, my girlfriend's name is Annabeth and she is my scary war princess(never challenge her, she will gut you), I am 19 and I attend college in new Roma(secret roman Halfblood city, a whole freeken CITY!!!), I'm getting off track, I am best friends with the 7(looong quest together will either kill you or make you besties and since we all lived. BESTIIIIIEEESSSS!!!!!), off track again, i am ADHD so this will happen a lot, Nico is Annabeth's kid(hahaha I am only half joking..... she sees his as hers to protect so don't mess with Nico. last time I did I was in the Apollo cabin for a week even with ambrosia and nectar. and all I did was ask him when he will ask his crush out!!!).

so as you can probably tell my life is hectic... so this is going to be fun to share."


I see my boy friend sitting on  the bank of the river in new Roma. "PERCY! THERE YOU ARE!!!" i yell, I am sooo mad. He's been spending all his time with Leo and Jason this past week and has he spared a moment to talk with me? NO! he is always running of when I approach him with a "Leo's calling" or "I promised Jason I would spar with him" or once "Aaaahh, you scared me so bad I think my hearts stopped, I better go have Will check on it". well this time I have a plan.


when I hear Annabeth yell my name I flinch so hard i fall into the river with the ear ring Leo made me half in my ear. He said it was a tiny camrra and mic recording device so that I can just watch my life if Hera does her worst again and wipes my memory. I had just started up the tiny machine and began recording when the scary love of my life came at me one hand lifted in exasperation yelling at me for avoiding her.

"Annabeth" I wined. "please stop scaring me, you know I jump easy"

She looked at me where I sat in the water and in the most un caring voice said "you cant get wet, and impact with water cousiones you. If I was going to get out to sit still long enough to talk with out hurting you then I had to startle you into shallow water so you couldn't escape" she lifted her nose at the end of that emotionless explanation. At that I fell over laughing she looked so haughty like Reina when she is mad. but the whole time she was speaking her lips were twitching in a way that told me she also did it because she likes to startle me. 

"Awww, you love me" I cooed up at her when we both stopped laughing at her Reina impression. 

Annabeth looked up from where she too had fallen from laughter to smile at me "your right about that" she said getting up to help me out of the shallow water.

smiling back i took her hand but instead of standing up i pulled her down into the water with me. she fell with a loud skwack. then hit my shoulder with a 'your in for it now' look in her eyes, I launched my self out of the river with my powers only for her to be faster and tackle me the moment my foot hit dry ground.

I fell to the ground beneath her as she laughed from where her head was resting on my chest her arms around my rib cage. 

"you know. that isn't a very secure hold I could get away in two moves" but even as I said this my arms rapped around her to rest on her back as I looked down at her golden curls. "I know..." I heard her mummer from where she was already falling asleep from the warm sun and contented atmosphere. "...I know."

I laid my head back and smiled. we were inside camp Jupiter's borders so we were safe but far enough into the surrounding land that no one would happen appon us.

staring lazily at the sky, I slowly closed my eyes to nap. we would be safe for no.

794 words in this chapter, it is 10:43 on 9/8/2021 and I have school tomorrow so I will post more at another time as I need to be up early tomorrow. please comment if you like or don't like the story so far. all comments will be read as I want to know what you think.

If  you find any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or anything else please comment to help me as I will edit any errors brought to my attention.

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