My Blue Eyed Son

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I'm in love with this song Rock A Bye Baby from the movie Mimi. And it made me write this story. Hope so you guys will like it. Please do vote and comment. This is my imagination story.

Ignore the grammatical errors.

Happy Reading 😊


She took her two months old son in her arms. She don't know what emotions were rushing through her. She is a  helpless mother here. She could only keep her son close to her chest. Tears were rolling down without any break. She can't let him go. Whatever happens. He's her son. Doctor was trying to find his biology father. Annika had at least one percentage hope for her son. That God won't give up on him. And she can't let God do that. He's her son her life. Even though she was his surrogate mother. He became her life. He became hers in these few months.  She never thought to have a family , having a baby was far away thing. But all this happened. When the couple who wanted this baby denied taking him after birth , because doctor said he has some health issues.  Saying this they don't want this baby. And asked her to drop this life. Her heart wrenched. It is a life. It can breath. It can hear. It's a growing life. How can she do that.. From then he becames hers fully. But God had another plans , but she won't let him take her son. She won't give up her hope and prayers. It's a mother's promise to her son that she will fight for his life.

   She was exhausted by all this but she can't do anything too. She can only stay by the side of her son. Giving that little life his mother's love and warmth. He needs his mother everyday. It makes her happy and sad at the same time. In this little spam of time she grew found of him. How can she let him go. This made her eyes tear up more. Hugging him up to her chest. She started to humm . To make him sleep. He was kinda used to her songs. He fisted her Kurtis collar tightly in his small fist. She looked towards her son painfully. She can't take this. If they won't find the whereabouts of his biological father , he won't survive , only a month is left. His condition is triggering day by day.

            He was like the star she got from moon. She loves moon a lot like her best friend. He was like a small little beautiful star to her. She don't wanna leave this star back to the sky. She won't allow him to go too. Her heart cried seeing her baby like this. How could god do this to her. She wanted to protect him , doing her best but still she feels helpless. A life without him was black without colours. Thinking about that makes her shiver then how can she let him go. Tears started to roll down from her eyes. She can't leave him. She can't. She started to sing the song slowly patting his back. Even though they are in the hospital Annika cared less. She just thought about her son who is clenching her kurti tightly in his small fist making her more vulnerable.


Mmm Hmmmmm… Mmm Hmmmmm….
Mmm Hmmmmm… Mmm Hmmmmm….

Rock a Bye Baby, Rock a Bye Baby
My Blue-eyed son,

Hush-a-Bye Baby, don’t you cry baby,
my blue-eyed son.

Mmm Hmmmmm… Mmm Hmmmmm….

They say, oh dear what you give is yours.

Khele, godi mein chanda re,

In the middle of the night, I used to think of you,

See you in my eyes, how will I get through?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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