Chapter 1: Prolouge

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"Look, we can't do this to ourselves," Dianne said, brushing off a strand of hair. She had chocolate brown hair that gathered around her shoulders, which she cut herself, then had to get it cut properly. She had tan skin.

"What do you mean?" Evelyn asked.

Evelyn had black hair, dyed with one strand blonde. She had pretty amber eyes, and tan skin, like Dianne.

"Do you remember last year? Emzy got shamed for being 'fat'. It was ridiculous. She started to cry." Dianne frowned.

"Don't need to remind me," Emzy said.

Emzy was fit, all in all. She was fair-skinned, with blue eyes, and black hair. She had a freckled face and her hair was cut till her shoulders.

"Right," she bit her lip. "Sorry. But you get the gist. I was shamed for being the quiet kid. They got what they got."

Emzy shuddered at the thought. "Didn't you break that boy's nose, once?"

"No, that's a rumor." Dianne said. "But I did make sure he shut up."

"Guys, let's just eat this," Evelyn said.


"Stop being stupid."

"It's the first year of high school. We can't afford to be the not-cool kids at the start."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it, we're not cool. We get bullied, we get pressured more, we start taking heavy diets and lose our sanity. Then, we fail in our subjects because of the stress, never make it to college, and won't ever be able to pursue our dreams." Dianne smiled.

The other two girls looked thoughtful.

Dianne continued, "It's either being cool kids, or the quiet ones. And trust me, I'd rather be the quiet ones, but I'm afraid Evelyn wouldn't be able to handle that title"


"When you put it like that," Emzy looked at the cake and pushed it away.

"I'll ask my mom to make some healthy cake, why don't I?" Evelyn asked.

"That sounds better," Dianne said.

"What about tomorrow, when school starts?"

The three girls hear a thud at the door. They turn to each other and sigh.

"The boys,"


Six of them, friends since Kindergarten, sat in Dianne's - very messy - room.

"I hate school," Levi says. Levi had black hair, and it was long at the front, similar to Dianne's hair. He was also tanned. He had grey eyes and freckles. And he was the closest with Dianne since they both were friends way earlier.

"Tell me about it," Dianne sighed. "Anyone up for music?"

"Yep," Abaven said. Abaven was fair, with black hair and black eyes. He wore glasses.

"Kpop?" Dianne asked.

"It depends, are you putting BTS?"

"No, I'm a fan of TXT and Blackpink more," Dianne said.

"Put on Blackpink!" Evelyn said.

"Done," Dianne turned on the speaker and it blasted music.

The entire day, the group of friends listened to music, talked, and listened to music. They were enjoying, even if they knew that High-school was the next day, and that high-school sucked.

"Which group are you gonna be on?" Evelyn asked.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked. Mark was dark skinned and had dark eyes, and brown hair.

"Jocks, popular kids, et cetera."

"Quiet kids," Levi said.

Dianne smiled. "Oh well, same here."

"Jocks." Mark said.

"Oh," Emzy put down her book.

"Nerds?" Abaven said.

"That suits your look," Mark sniggered. "What 'bout you guys?" he looked at Emzy and Evelyn.

"Quiet kids," the two girls said.

They all hear a phone ring.

"That'll be mine," Mark pulled out his phone. "It's Mack."

Mack was Mark's younger brother, who was in elementary school.

"Mack has a phone?" Evelyn asked

"He got one in sixth grade."

"I-" Dianne stopped short. "I got my first phone last year."

Emzy sniggered.

They all went silent as Mark practically yelled, "C'mon, Mack!"

He walked out of the room.

"What's up with him?" Abaven said.

"Dunno." Evelyn said as she scrolled absently through her news feed.

"I think Mack messed up with something." Levi said.

"Lemme guess..." Dianne said. "Mack... got Mark's dog lost."

They all went silent as they heard Mark climbing up the stairs.

"Mack lost my dog!" Mark grumbled.

Dianne frowned.

"I'll have to go, if I find him I'll text you guys."

"'Kay, Bye, Mark." Evelyn said and put her phone down.

"Bye," Mark said.


"Sleeping over was the best idea ever," Evelyn smiled as she shut the door after Levi left.

"True that," Emzy smiled. "I wonder if the boys will be hanging out at Levi's?"

"I bet they are," Dianne said. Then she groaned. "Guys, we're old."

"We're only fifteen... and you're fourteen Dianne." Emzy frowned.

"Yeah, you're the youngest." Evelyn smiled.

"But we're high-schoolers now." Dianne sighed and gave a tired face.

"For real though," Emzy sighed. "But it was hilarious when Mack got Mark's dog lost. Sad, but funny."

"Kinda true." Dianne smiled.

"What's the school name again?" Emzy asked.

"River View High." Emzy replied. "Queen's Street."

"Queen's street is this street." Dianne said.

"Yep," Emzy said indifferently.

"So..." Evelyn said. "How 'bout that cake?"

(The media is what we all, TheBlackPearl_06-purpleMARI09-, and Wolf_Bunny7, imagine Queen's Street like.)

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