Joonas Porko🗺

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Imagine: Doing Joonas's makeup

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Imagine: Doing Joonas's makeup.
"You're doing it wrong."You sung, hopping onto the table behind Joonas so he could see you in the mirror, where he was trying his best to do his own eyeliner.
"As much as I appreciate your criticism, there is no wrong or right way to put on eyeliner."The guitarist replied before swearing in Finnish as he practically inserted the point of the pencil into his eye, it fell to the floor and rolled over toy your feet.
"Well as a girl, I've been wearing eyeliner since I was ten years old and I am about 200% sure you're not supposed to poke yourself with the pencil."You smirked, picking up the stick and walking over to him.
With a hand held over his maimed eye he tried to reach for the cosmetic product you were holding."Give it."
You stepped back and raised an eyebrow at him, amused."Is that how you ask nicely?"
"Can I have it back please?"Joonas batted his eyelashes at you.
You smiled at his expression."No."
"No?"Joonas frowned and finally revealed his eye."What do you mean no? I asked nicely."
"Sit."You commanded pointing to the table he'd previously been leaning over.
The guitarist rolled his eyes."Look I can do it myself-"
"Joonas, you don't be able to look if I let you do it yourself."You told him."Now sit."
With a sigh he hoisted himself onto the table, pouting like a scolded toddler."Happy?"
You smiled at Joonas and moved in between his legs. You placed one hand on his shoulder and the other began to apply the eyeliner to his left eye. Just before you could move onto his other eye, the guitarist gave an exaggerated sigh.
"What?"You raised an eyebrow and stepped back.
"Do you have to do that thing?"Joonas asked but you could tell he want actually annoyed from the barely suppressed smirk on his lips.
"What thing?"You teased as you placed the pencil beside his right eye.
"There! That thing!"Joonas exclaimed making you jump."That thing with your lips."
"What thing with my lips?"You blushed.
"The thing that makes me want to kiss you."The guitarist told you."Where you stick your tongue out a little when you're concentrating, it's really cute."
"Are you blushing?"You teased despite the own colour of your cheeks.
"Shut up."Joonas pushed your shoulder.
"Why are you pushing me away?"You pouted playfully."I thought you wanted to kiss me."
He looked down bashfully."Uh-I-uhm-can I?"
"How could I say no to a bashful Porko."You began to joke."It's such a ra-"
"Shhhh!"Joonas laughed before kissing you.

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