Chapter 4

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Sodapop Curtis posted a status: And your gonna here me roaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!!!!!
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, Twobit Matthews, Darry Curtis liked this

Steve Randle: How'd you get this? Where did you get this? No this isn't okay.

Dallas Winston: This is great
Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade like this

Twobit Matthews: I spit my beer out everywhere
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Darry Curtis: Better not be in the house?

Twobit Matthews: Nope. I was walking! It got on the sidewalk. Poor sidewalk.....
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Ponyboy Curtis: I laugh at his face a lot but now I have something to laugh at even more.
Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston like this

Dallas Winston: This is a whole new level.
Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis like this

Steve Randle: Shut up!
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Johnny Cade: Katy Perry is cool...

Dallas Winston: I second that.

Ponyboy Curtis: I third that.

Twobit Matthews: The muskeeters strike again!!!!
Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis likes this

Darry Curtis: Children don't be a Steve...

Steve Randle: I really despise all of you....
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Sodapop Curtis: I got the eye of tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire I am the champion and your going to here me R-O-A-R.
Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis, and Darry Curtis likes this

Steve Randle: You know what I'm going to make fun of this. You held me down but I got up already brushing of this dust you hear that voice you hear that sound like thunder going to shake the ground.
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Sodapop Curtis: You held me down but I got up cause' I've already had enough I see it now.
Steve Randle likes this

Steve Randle: I got eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire I am the champion and your gonna hear me roar.
Sodapop Curtis likes this

Darry Curtis: You guys have a weird friendship.
Steve Randle and Sodapop Curtis like this

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