Ch-1 First meet❤

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We all have heard that love is in the air, we all love someone once in a life, but is is possible to love a person who is far away from u, who is completely unknown for u, who is completely an unseen book for u. In practical life, it's almost impossible to be in such a relationship but sometimes God wants something different and new things come in life which brings both happiness and sadness...

Let's start the story...

****Arav's POV****

Today was a very busy day, now I think I should rest now, it's enough for today, I said to myself after completing my study...

What should I do now ummmm
I was thinking then suddenly I remember the words of harshit who was telling me about his twitter id, he told me that u know what Arav, twitter is a very big and interesting social media platform, I really make many friends there, really that was an interesting place, you'll never feel bore of that place... I was stucked in my thoughts and then my mom came and said "you should sleep now Arav", okkk.. Mom..I'm gonna sleep soon I said to my mummy...

I think I should also make twitter handle, for being uptodated I should make my I'd cuz twitter is very active site, any news comes first there...
After thinking these things, I have created my twitter id... @_Arav_02

This is very boring app, how can anyone like this app and how can anyone get addicted of this app and how can anyone spend hours there, I said to myself...

Let's just close this app, I said to myself... I started listening music and get stucked in that song, omg Ed Sheeran's voice is really magical, how good he sings, I was listening "perfect" and I was full into the song...

You should sleep now Arav, it's already 2am , Arav's mom scolded him again... Ohh mom i am trying to sleep but i can't that's why I'm listening music, oh okkk but sleep soon my mom again said to me. I said only 'okay'.

Next day when I woke up, i checked my phone notifications and i find that someone followed me, i checked and find a boy whose name is Parth started following me, i was happy cuz he was my first follower,but i was not in a mood to use twitter app,  so i disclosed that app.

I was a dropper student preparing for Jee mains paper, I haven't joined any tuition classes in my drop year, I was preparing from my home and was doing nice, but sometimes I feel bored cuz I don't have any special person with whom I can share anything, but it's fine cuz I was not interested in relationship or simply I'm not ready for it...

I finished my break fast and started reading organic chemistry, I was not much good in this but I'm trying to improve. After some time I started feeling bored , I took up my phone and started scrolling on Instagram, well I like this app but idk why this app seems no longer interesting for me...

Once again I was trying to find something interesting on Twitter, I saw a tweet in which we have to choose which one is your fav cricketer between Virat Kohli and Ab De villiers. I replied with my answer which is obviously Virat kohli as I'm a huge cricket fan and my fav is Virat kohli...

After replying, I closed my Twitter handle and started watching lectures for physics. Overall the day was good and I forget to check my Twitter.

At night when I checked my phone, I become angry cuz someone has replied under my tweet but not in a positive way.

A girl commented on my tweet that "Abd is far better than him and we shouldn't compare virat with him as Abd is best" I was really angry that time. "How can anyone say like this huh" I was in a mood to fight and i was preparing a sarcastic reply in my mind. After thinking some time i replied that Virat batting avarage is more than him and he is very fit player too, he is known as run machine and he is the best batsman 😏, I replied with this emoji too in the last and after replying I left my phone there on the bed Although I was waiting for her reply too. Then I started studying physics.

I was good in physics and physics seems interesting for me. When I was solving a problem of Rotational mechanics, suddenly my phone screen lighted up and I saw a notification from twitter, I saw the girl who first commented there again replied me that "whatever u say Abd is best" This girl damn, doesn't she has a brain" I said in my mind.

Again I replied "You are a stupid girl who doesn't know anything  about cricket but still comparing two batsman, and girls are not made for cricket , you should better focus on your study or household work hahahaha or whatever But don't reply under my tweet and don't argue with me too"

I was feeling proud that moment, I don't know why, perhaps it's my first social media fight lol that's why...

After this comment, the girl didn't reply for a day. Instead of being happy on win over my first social media fight, I was feeling guilty for saying such words to her. I decided to say sorry.

Again I replied under her reply, "hey I'm sorry for my harsh words, I shouldn't call u a stupid person"

I left my phone again on the bed and went down the stairs to the kitchen and started eating apples. Then I came into my room and started solving organic chemistry problems. I was doing hard labour on this subject. This was the month of September and next year, in feb month, jee was about to happen. So I'm preparing hard for this.

I was always concious for my studies and I know my ambition very well. I want to become a software engineer. I have to qualify jee mains with a good percentile for decent Nits and for best colleges like Iit bombay, scoring good marks in jee advance was the only way which could lead me to be a good software engineer.

These are the things which motivates me for study. "I can do and I'll do" This always floats in my mind and trust me  these kinda motivation really works.

********Author's note********

Hey guys, hope u are doing well, this is just a start, hope u guys liked this Character Arav❤

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