Chapter 1

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Third Person POV: 

Ever since Bokuto and Akaashi last hanged out, the black-haired setter has been spacing out since then. And of course, the setters behavior didn't go unnoticed by the team and their coach.

"What's the matter?" Coach Yamiji said to the benched teen, Akaashi flinched at the sudden voice, before looking at their coach "For the past week you've been distracted from our practice, causing to react slower and mess up many of your sets, so what is the matter?"

"Sorry... I was.. worried about something..." He said almost a mumble as he did not know on how to answer their coach, Coach Yamiji sighed, "I got a call from your homeroom teacher that you have been dozing off in class, do you not get enough sleep?.." Coach Yamiji said with a hint of worry in his voice but still maintaining his face composed. It is true that Akaashi hasn't been able to get enough sleep at night, it has been a week now that he has been dreaming about that night.

As it is very much not a nice dream, he will wake up in cold sweat in the middle of the night and will coax himself to sleep until the rays of the sun cut through his bedrooms curtained window. After the first night, he already looked ill in the morning, haggard skin and darkening bags under his dried reddened eyes but he somehow still looked neat on their gray uniform. But when they were at practice, he looked like he was ready to faint any second, causing him to be benched for half of their practice 'till this day.

"Go home for today, I'll tell your teacher that you aren't feeling well" He said crossing his hands while looking down at the tired benched teen, the setter tiredly nodded his head at his coach before getting up and going to the changing room


Akaashi waved as all the members see him off at the gym door while some of them dramatically wiped a non-existent tear from their eyes before being hauled back by their coach.

While Akaashi slowly walked across the sidewalk, as it is a lifelong habit of his, he looked up at the sky, even though it was only 3 on the afternoon, he noticed that the sky has been dull.

'It's going to rain later..' He thought, then he heard a sudden 'tap'. He immediately turned around and saw no one there, it was only him on the sidewalk


After a few more minutes of walking, he finally got home. As he lived alone, all the lights were off. He turned on the lights and took off his shoes, he began walking up the stairs to his bedroom.

After he showered, he changed into more comfortable clothes, a white oversized shirt and gray sweatpants. He checked the time from his phone, it was nearly 4. So he decided to have an early dinner, and just watch TV Shows until he falls asleep.

In the morning, Akaashi did his usual morning routine, shower, change into his school uniform and eat breakfast. He got to school and was first greeted by their owl ace "AKAASHI!!" The horned owl shouted at the black-haired setter "Bokuto-san." He replied with no emotion to neither of his voice or face while walking towards the ace.

"The teacher said that there is a new student coming today!"

to be continued...

A/N: Sorry that it is short but I will be making longer chapters after this. And I am still a beginner at writing so it isn't really good but I hope you at least enjoyed.

Onee-san... - Haikyuu!! Fanfiction [Akaashi x Fem!Reader Sibling AU]Where stories live. Discover now