Cold as Ice

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Time past by and I was still infected. I had fallen down the cave by default of being a zombie almost killing myself. The night was moving slow and it felt I like I was moving slower. I herd something that sounded like gun shots and mobs being impaled with spear like things. I herd a sound that scared me but I couldn't move to save myself. Then I felt someone forcing something like a potion down my throat. Trust me it did not feel nice to have something forced down you and you don't have any control over your body to stop it.

(Patrick's POV)
I teleport back up to the surface with the young boy knocked out lying in my arms. "Come on, we need to get this boy back home, that potion affect wont last long in him!" I say while putting the boy on Darryl's horse. Me and Darryl The Frostbourne bandit, are riding back home to Lady Azura The Frostbourne scholar , who can hopefully help us. Night turns to day fast then I thought so it made it easier to see. The snow slowly setting in and the air was cold as ice. I had my helmet off and it was sitting on the back of my horse. The gravel beneath the horses hooves was nice to listen to because it was like a soft crunch each time. We made it home and got boy up to the roof where Lady Azura and Sir Theo were standing ready to turn the zombified boy back to normal. I lay him on some ice and step back. There were books and command blocks everywhere surrounding a golden apple in a glass box. Lady Azura pulls a lever and with a  bright flash, everyone covers their eyes, and suddenly the golden apple was gone, the boy was sitting up and was shirtless, still, and some of the command blocks had fallen down. He looks at us confused and asked "W-Where am I?" "Its time" I say to the others. "Stand up, and come with me, we are going to train you for when the Nether attacks." I say.

(Rain's POV)                                                                                                                                                                              They gave me some clothes and armour that looked insanely cool and started to train me. I train everyday day at any spare time that I have, which was almost always. Lady Azura wanted to show me something so I followed her, and when we got to the place she showed me the single coolest armour that I have seen "This is going to be your armour, Rain you are the chosen one" I had no idea what she was talking about but anything that I knew from coming here is that, The Nether Horde is coming and it was going to be bad. I put the armour on and then heard screams coming from that gates I think, and when I look up I see that biggest dragon that I have ever seen. Endermen started to teleport everywhere and scaring the people. The Enderdragon was setting things on fire with its breath and everyone was screaming in fear. People were trying to fight off everything at once but there were so many things happening at once. An Enderman had teleported on to the roof where me and Lady Azura were waiting and it scared me but somehow I managed to kill it because Lady Azura didn't have her weapons or armour, I mean don't get me wrong she probably could've killed it herself with no help but she let me kill it for the sake getting used to things like this. 

I look up and see the Enderdragon is about to go through the end portal that is floating in the sky. "Rain you have to do it now or you'll never get another chance!" Lady Azura said trying to get me to go through. I held an Ender pearl in left hand with my sword in my right and I through the pearl and it goes in the portal. Within seconds I get teleported to the End dimension where The Ender Watchers live. I was told to take the last Ender eye to the end and make an alliance with them. I was teleported to the endstone island where there was nothing there but black void and floating islands and trust me I did not want to mess this up. I look around and see endermen  ready to attack me but I didn't have my sword so I was dead. I look up and see three people I think well one person and two endermen. The person had magenta hair with black clothes, the first endermen had a beard and I didn't think that was possible and was holding a staff, but the third one confused me because it was striped with black and white and had a sword that was bigger then my. The Enderdragon then landed in front of me and roared. The roar was like being blasted in the ear drums with sirens all going off at the same time. I rip out the eye and show it the dragon calming it down. The Frostbourne had now gained the trust of The Ender Watchers all thanks to me and the last Ender eye. 

The end portal opened back up and out I can and I was not alone. I was riding the freakin Enderdragon. All the endermen that were causing things stopped and calmed down. I set the dragon down on the castle walls and stand up to see the damage. I started to fly again over the village and spot Herobrine coming through the gates with guards everywhere. If I have learnt one thing from the Frostbourne its that this war was going to big and there was almost no stopping it from happening. 

(Hey so if you want to leave a comment and ask something then go ahead there is no stopping you from doing so. I just wanted to say that I never thought that my book would be come 13th already on the leader board so thanks.)

(This is an edit)

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