An agent?!

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Author note: I saw this playboy bunny fem!Eren, but she looked mad and part of her tights were ripped so I got this awesome idea for an Ereri story.

Genderbent characters: Fem! Eren, fem! Armin, male! Petra, male! Annie, and later on maybe there will be more
Main Pairing: ERERI

An agent?!

"When I catch you scum, I'll make sure you're put deep in the fucking cell you belong in!!!" A man yelled running after three swift and giggling figures.

It was a dark rainy dawn, and the big city was rowdy with the distant sound of police sirens, and honking cars of early birds trying to get to work. The man who had previously yelled owned a local bakery open 24 hours for those who liked to get hot beverages with a nice warm bread. Of course, that man should of known well that with striving for more business, he should expect quite the few thieves, but alas he was naive.

The three hooded figures jumped swiftly over cars, throwing a bag back and forth when the man inched closer. Turquoise eyes met ocean blue, and bright gray eyes, and they separated in three different directions. The man was disoriented and didn't notice when one of the hooded figures slowed it's pace to a walking level and walked towards him. "Sir?" A teen's female voice interrupted his search. "Oh, sorry. What is it, missy?" The man asked.

The teen removed her hood and long blonde locks sprawled out with big ocean blue eyes staring up at him. He handed the man the bag. "Some people dropped this a few seconds ago. Do you know who's it is?" The girl asked sweetly. The man looked at the bag and found warm bread inside. "Ah! It's mine! Thanks for finding it!" The man thanked her almost beginning to walk away if it weren't fir the girl who put her hand distressed at her tiny mouth and her eyes began to shake and water.

"Hey now! What's the matter, missy?" He asked her concerned. "I was thinking that if that belonged to no one I could have fed myself and my little brothers, but now? What will I bring home!" The girl teared wiping at her eyes. The man scratched his head, and sighed. "Here," he said handing her the bag. "The bread isn't even that expensive so you can have it", he smiled. The girl's eyes widened and she smiled widely making the man's heart skip a beat. "Thank you! Thank you! My brothers will be fed well tonight!" She yelled in glee. The man bid farewell and walked away.

The girl stood still until his figure disappeared and she went straight to the hidden alleyway closest to her. She passed a few card board boxes and trashcan that hid most of the place and was met with the sight of a tiny fire going. Sudden claps were heard and the girl saw her other two companions with wide smirks on their faces. The girl returned their shit eating grins bowing comically. "Armin, you little cunning, shit! 'Oh, what will I feed my little brothers?!?!" Another teen mocked laughing loudly. This girl had long brown locks and possessed the intense turquoise eyes.

Armin laughed flicking her off and sat on a nearby log placing the bag of bread on her lap. "Shut up, Eren! Not only did we get bread, but we also mislead him from our home, stupid!" Armin smirked taking a piece of bread and biting it. "Yeah, yeah, don't want you two cats fighting at this time", the third girl interrupted with a chuckle while taking the bread from Armin and biting it. This girl had long black locks to her back and bright gray eyes with a red scarf tightly wrapped around her neck.

"Come on, Mikasa! You got to admit I was the one who even had the balls to go in there and grab the bread!" Eren argued. "Oh yeah, but tell me miss know-it-all, who planned everything to the final step? Ah, that's right, me", Armin giggled to herself. Eren frowned about to retort when Armin shoved a bread down his mouth. "Oi, calm your tits already, Eren. You should regain energy if you're wasting it all on arguing", Armin giggled as Eren glared slightly but, nonetheless, began to chow down on their feast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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