Greetings (あいさつ)

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Good morning.
Romaji: Ohayoo
Hiragana: おはよう。

Good morning. (Polite)
Romaji: Ohayoo gozaimasu
Hiragana: おはよう ございます。

Good afternoon.
Romaji: Konnichiwa
Hiragana: こんにちは。

Good evening.
Romaji: Konbanwa
Hiragana: こんばんは。

Romaji: Sayoonara
Hiragana: さようなら。

Good night.
Romaji: Oyasumi (nasai)
Hiragana: おやすみ (なさい)。

Thank you.
Romaji: Arigatoo
Hiragana: ありがとう。

Thank you. (Polite)
Romaji: Arigatoo gozaimasu
Hiragana: ありがとう ございます。

Excuse me; I'm sorry.
Romaji: Sumimasen
Hiragana: すみません。

No; Not at all.
Romaji: Iie
Hiragana: いいえ。

I'll go and come back.
Romaji: Itte kimasu.
Hiragana: いって きます。

Please go and come back.
Romaji: Itterasshai.
Hiragana: いってらっしゃい。

I'm home.
Romaji: Tadaima.
Hiragana: ただいま。

Welcome home.
Romaji: Okaeri (nasai).
Hiragana: おかえり (なさい)。

Thank you for the meal. (before eating)
Romaji: Itadakimasu.
Hiragana: いただきます。

Thank you for the meal. (after eating)
Romaji: Gochisoosama (deshita).
Hiragana: ごちそうさま (でした)。

How do you do?
Romaji: Hajimemashite.
Hiragana: はじめまして。

I am...
Romaji: Watashi
Hiragana: ~です。

Nice to meet you.
Romaji: Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Hiragana: よろしく おねがいします。

* The last syllable of konnichiwa and konbanwa is spelled with は (ke) instead of わ (wa).

- When wanting to ask a question, in a classroom, to a teacher you say;

しつもん が あります

Shitsumon ga arimasu

"I have a question."

◍ 。* ♡̷̷° 。°◍ 。* ♡̷̷°°◍ 。* ♡̷̷° 。°◍ 。* ♡̷̷°°

Now you practice answering numbers 1-14

Can you guess what they are saying
►In Hiragana, comment and write the expressions they are using in each situation. You can refer to the vocabulary up above to help you answer.
►(You can just type your answer in Romaji if that helps make it a bit easier)



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