Edna Cleans a Lot More Than Just Furniture...

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Mr Birling strolled through the cavernous depths of his very expensive and very capitalistic mansion, the walls were lined with antique paintings of his ancestors before him, the bric-a-brac lining the drawers and shelves would go for thousands if sold on today's market.

However, the vast amounts of riches and treasures could never make up for the hole burrowing into his heart, he was missing something. Sure, he loved his wife, sure, he loved his offspring, but deep down within he was sad, he was lonely, and most of all he was lost.

Just then, Edna his lowly housemaid waddled out from behind a cabinet she had just been cleaning, she had a cold look on her face, but it wasn't a cold look like the one Sybil always wore, no, this look... was almost inviting.

Edna turned to see Mr Birling staring at her with his lonely orbs, as she walked over to him she saw a lustful look shimmer in his eye, Edna had predicted that this would happen, but she never knew when.

Mr Birling made the first move,
"Good evening, Edna. I trust that you have cleared the dining room? I do recall it was left quite messy when I left"
"Oh, well was it now? I suppose I had better go clean it up."

Edna began to walk away when Mr Birling continued talking,
"Well Edna, you see, I seem to find myself also quite... grubby."
Mr Birling twiddled his capitalistic fingers like a troublesome Victorian school child asking for more...

"I see, Mr Birling..."
"Oh please Edna, call my by my first name..." "Alright, Arthur...then I suppose I shall have to clean you up and all..."
Edna cheekily booped Mr Birling on the nose with her feather duster. Mr Birling then proceeded to lead her into the wardrobe where he kept all his lawyers. Mr Birling had this all planned out, all but one part; Whatever would he tell his wife?

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