•~Ep1: Project Shadow~•

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the picture in the media is my own edit, please don't steal it

January 23, 2002

The project, I am now working on for two months, seems to work pretty well. I named that project Shadow, as it's supposed to be mysterious. The creature turned out to be a little lizard, it's skin is dark orange and there are small but sharp thorns on its back. Honestly, it reminds me of a miniature dragon or dinosaur. Who knows, what I have just brought to life...
Anyways, this life-form seems to have a fully functioning body, its reflexes, however, are pretty slow along with its movements. Recently, I keep an eye on its evolution and also run tests regularly. I must thank my people for helping me with the project, yet I have worries around it. The creature's behavior is still a big mystery to all of us, since it has been created only a few days ago.
As a food, it accepts only various types of meat. Anytime we tried to give anything else to it, it threw it back or did not eat it at all. This also causes me feeling worried and I am not sure, if I should even work on finishing the project. Though, I am curious how things will turn out in the future, so I will keep the work going for now.

Professor Gerald Robotnik


February 4, 2002

We found out one fact: the creature is not capable of speaking, since its mouth is.. well, lizard-like, so even if it was able to learn how to speak, it could not articulate well.
Regarding its appearance in general, the lizard is much bigger now, its metabolism seems to be fastened and as does its growth. I am a bit afraid, that it might grow to monstrous size and that could cause many problems. Its limbs do not seem to evolve as quick as the rest of its body however, so the lizard might end up being dependant on our machines to keep it in motion and maybe even alive. Anyways, I keep Maria, my grand-daughter, away from it, for I want to wait for it to show signs of complete kindness and non-lethality.

Gerald R.


March 20, 2002

I have not written any notes for over a month, for I have been busy with harder work on the project. The creature has shown signs of very powerful abilities and my worries just fulfilled - it has grown to tremendous size! We now keep it in the biggest room on the ark, it has wires connected to its ponderous body and a big power panel on its back area to keep it alive. Its tail is very massive and strong.. so if it wants, the lizard can become destructive. Not to mention, that it possesses a chaos powers, which are powers of very high level, non-imaginable level, it's beyond people's understanding. We also tried our best to teach it manners, but... it has no use. That creature is not capable of learning anything from us. It keeps doing whatever it wants and.. honestly, one lab worker even got hurt by it. Fortunately, nothing serious, but still... this creature won't be the right one for my big plan.
The plan is pretty simple: create an ultimate lifeform, which could also heal my grand-daughter, who suffers from NIDS, which is a deadly desease, making her weaker as the time passes by. I am so worried about her, since she is the only family I have here. I will do anything necessary to save her life...

Gerald R.


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