Getting closer

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*Seokhoon P.O.V*

Rona: "Wait how do I do this part again?"

Seokhoon: "Just let voice come from your stomach"

Rona: "The performance is in a week and I am not doing as good I am scared Seokhoon"

There's a performance in school where I am Rona's pianist"

Seokhoon: "Hey look at me you are amazing I know you'll do it"

My hands on Rona's shoulders our faces are so close

Yoon Hee: "Kids you want snacks- oh I am sorry you can continue"

Rona: "Mom it's not like that?"

Seokhoon: "Aunty it's not what you think"

Yoon Hee: "I was just kidding but your reaction is making me suspicious"

Yoon Chul: "Let them be honey"

Seokhoon: "Hello uncle"

Yoon Chul: "Here are the snacks and don't strain yourselves too much"

Rona: "Thanks dad"

Yooh Hee: "We are going out, so take care"

Rona: "Oh ok mom"

Yoon Chul: "Bye kids"

*After they left*

*3rd person P.O.V*

Yoon Chul: "Do you think something is going on between Seokhoon and Rona"

Yoon Hee: "They are childhood friends and I see something in Seokhoon for our Rona"

Yoon Chul: "I won't mind Seokhoon being Rona's boyfriend he is a good guy"

??: "Ha Yoon Chul"

Yoon Chul: "Cheon Seo-jin?"

Seo-jin: "That's right, how dare you show up here with this slut"

Yoon Chul: "Cheon Seo-jin! Watch your mouth"

Seo-jin: "Why it's the truth she will do anything to get a man"

Yoon Chul: "She is not you"

Yoon Hee: "Stop Yoon Chul, Seo-jin you are still holding grudges after so many years"

*A quick flashback to what happened to these three*

Yoon Chul and Yoon Hee were together but Seo-jin was jealous and tried to steal Yoon Chul away from Yoon Hee in which she succeeded but around the time when Yoon Chul and Seo-jin were getting engaged Yoon Chul came to his senses when Seo-jin cheated on Yoon Chul and had a kid with another man and went back to Yoon Hee and apologized while asking for a second chance which Yoon Hee was doubtful but gave him and now they are here Seo-jin is still single

Seo-jin: "Right I am still holding grudges because you being a bitch stole him from me"

Yoon Chul: "Stole? Ha! I was the foolish and crazy one to leave Yoon Hee and go to you and I swear I won't make that mistake ever again let's go Yoon Hee there's no point on talking to her"

Yoon Hee: "You were looking really manly there"

Yoon Chul: "Really?"

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