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A distant and deep rumble on his chest sent Minho to wake up from his sleep as he scrunched his nose from a feather soft touch.

He blinked his eyes open, the pale light of morning seeped through the blinds of the half opened window, stinging at his pupils when Minho tried to make sense of his surroundings.He quirked his eyes to the tip of his nose, any drop of drowsiness stepping aside with the harsh flash of violet which accompanied the flare.

It was a tail. A long and fluffy, purple cat tail that brushed over his face, teasing his nose as if urging him to to sneeze. Minho groaned in defeat as he dropped his head back onto the pillow, staring emptily up at his ceiling. This was going to be a long day.

After a few more seconds of enjoying the cat's purrs, Minho roused himself and sat up straighter. He let out a belch, feeling bits of fur on his tongue. The cat, mewing in complaint, stopped purring as it hopped off of Minho's chest, awkwardly flapping its wings before dropping down onto the wooden planks and gracefully slipping through the door gap, not without the scrape of its claws.

Now alone in his room without any magical nonsense, he had time to contemplate on whether he was or wasn't happy that yesterday's evening wasn't a dream and he was actually sharing his home with Jisung. The riddle was complicated, not to say that Minho was dull minded but a grunge trail of sweaty shorts turned inside out caught his attention.

He blamed himself for not tidying them yesterday - clean, everything should be clean.

Well, a little thought was nice but chaos had its own plans as a loud metal clang sent Minho's body into a jolt. Muttering something under his breath, Minho struggled with a pair of sweats before hurrying into the kitchen, bare foot, in all his morning glory.

Minho was used to a lovable silence that would fill his apartment in the early mornings. A deep rooted tidiness inside his veins flowed just as freely through the kitchen, and a breakfast by Minho's hands usually meant a hard boiled egg and a cup of strong green tea.

But as his steps faltered and he picked up on something completely foreign to his kitchen smell, Minho had to once again remind himself that it was no ordinary morning. Standing behind the stove was none other than Han Jisung, a pink apron wrapped around his waist with a bow in the back as he worked over some tasty looking pancakes that hissed with the flames.

Minho sighed in relief, no mess was there to be seen.

Except for when Jisung turned around to greet him good morning, his heart skipped a beat.

Jisung. Cooking breakfast in his kitchen. Greeting him good morning in a pink apron and a wide grin.

The way Jisung's previously eye-catching clothes were switched to a pair of sweats and a grey T-shirt with his face bare from any makeup and fluffy brown hair a mess on his head, offered an awfully cozy and domestic feeling that Minho would hate to get used to.

Jisung smiled at him sweetly, as he hooked the cutlery with his fingers and slid them onto the table, two knives, two forks - for two people.

"How did you sleep? Feelin' good in the morning?" Asked Jisung way too casually at the rooted to the spot Minho.

He frowned instead of a reply, this was no good. "I heard a noise, did you break something?" Grumbled Minho as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Me? Please, I would never, your kitchen is safe and sound in my hands."

Minho yawned, walking up to the table as he grabbed a bottle or orange juice, drinking right from the bottleneck. "Then where did the noise come from, like the super loud metal clang."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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