Chapter 3

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Mackenzie's POV

  I woke up in a stiff bed that smelled like prunes and death. I looked around and saw the familiar white walls of the hospital. "Oh good, you're up," muttered my father. I could still smell a faint trace of alcohol on his lips, but other than that he seemed sober. Just then the nurse walked in.

  "Hello, Mackenzie, are you feeling better?" she asked, sitting on the side of my bed. I nodded even though the pain was excruciating.
  "What happened?" I asked, even though I could remember everything.

  "You fell out a window, dear." I chuckled mentally at the excuse my mother had made up. "Sign these and you can take her home. Remember, she needs rest and loads of it. I suggest you take her out of school for a few days," the nurse said, handing my dad the release papers. He scribbled his signature on them and nodded at what the nurse had been saying. "You may leave when you like, just hand those in to the front desk on your way out." And with that she left the room, leaving my dad and I alone. I silently got up and grabbed my clothes, heading towards the bathroom.

  "Where do you think you're going?" my dad's raspy voice filled the room. I cringed and turned around. "Afraid to change in front of your old man?" I gulped and walked back over to where the clothes had been put. "Good girl," he said, as I slipped out of the hospital gown and reached quickly for my bra. I was too late, he was standing right behind me when he reached around and grabbed my chest, making me gasp.

  "George! Leave the poor girl alone," scolded my mother as she walked in the room. I took that moment to grab my clothes and run into the bathroom, locking it behind me. I look down and notice little purple marks from my dad's forceful grab. I quickly put my clothes on and stepped out of the bathroom, staying close to my sober mother. We walked out, and my father gave the papers to the lady at the front desk. She waved to me as we walked out of the hospital.

  As soon as we arrived home, I darted into the kitchen as I was starving and couldn't bear not eating any longer. I made myself a sandwich and went upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. I scarfed down the sandwich and laid in bed, noticing I had a text from Lacy. Hey Mack. I just wanted to let you know that I'm moving to Florida next week. I just found out.. I'm going to miss you so much. I face-palmed myself as I read this and started silently crying as I curled up into my teddy bear's side. Who was going to protect me now?

John's POV

  As I walked into school, I heard kids murmuring to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I just kept on walking. "Hola Srta.," I greeted my Spanish teacher as I walked in. She smiled at me as I set my stuff down. "What's going on? Why is everyone whispering about stuff in the halls?" I asked her. She was the kind of teacher who knew all the gossip of the school.

  "Didn't you hear? A girl named Mackenzie Bryles was put into a hospital for the fourth time this year. She fell out a window," she informed me. I stood there in shock.

  "Is she okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Could I see a picture of her?" She gave me a strange look but pulled up her third period attendance on her laptop. I looked at the girl, but didn't recognize her. She had long wavy reddish brown hair with chocolate brown eyes and freckles that dotted her face. Her slightly square-shaped glasses framed her eyes perfectly. I was a bit mad at myself for not seeing her before. Then I realized something. Third period was the sophomore class, which meant she was a grade lower than me.

  "You okay, John?" Srta. Rodriguez put her hand on my shoulder.

  "Huh? Oh.. yeah I'm fine," I reassured her, and she gave me a light squeeze on the shoulder. "The fourth time in the hospital, eh? Sounds dreadful."

  She nodded in agreement and added, "Poor girl. I don't think she fell out of a window, though." I looked at her in the eyes.

  "What makes you say that?" I asked.

  "It was the same way last year. I've met her parents, and they don't seem like very good people."

  "I hope she's okay," I said quietly. I looked at her student profile picture again and saw the hurt in her eyes even though she was smiling at the camera. What happened to her? I wondered.

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