Carry On

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  Toriel was always one to get an early start to her day. Six AM sharp every morning, that's when she'd wake up. After having a quick breakfast for herself and Frisk, the two left. Toriel made a stop at Muffet's first, before they continued to their destination. Upon arriving, Toriel knocked on the house's door--while Frisk stood just at her side. Papyrus answered the door after a beat.

"Good morning, Miss Toriel!" He greeted cheerfully, before looking to Frisk. "And good morning to you, young human!" Frisk giggled at the tall skeleton's peppy demeanor. "Hello, dear. I realize we're here a little early, but would I be able to see your father?" Toriel requested, before adding, "I've brought him some breakfast."

"...Dad?" Papyrus paused a moment. "Oh, he's... still in his lab, I believe. Go on ahead." He answered. Toriel nodded, as Frisk all but invited herself into the house to stay with Papyrus while her 'goat mom' went to see Gaster. "Thank you." The boss monster thanked, before going around to the side of the house.

Coming up to the home lab's door, Toriel tried the handle. It was unlocked, so she let herself in. She was about to call out the scientist's name, but paused. Something felt wrong. The lab itself looked to be in disarray, which wasn't the usual with Gaster. He was always tidy and organized, especially when it came to his work space. Looking across the room, Toriel saw Gaster sat at one of the counter tops. His back was facing towards her from where he sat on the stool, hunched over something that had his attention.

More quietly than she intended, Toriel walked over to the skeleton. She took a peek over his shoulder, and saw a journal. He was writing in a journal, in a mix of both wingdings and blackletter. How strange. Toriel thought to herself. Gaster was also quietly muttering to himself as he wrote gruelingly slow, and less neat than normal.

Gently, Toriel placed a hand on the scientist's shoulder. "Gaster-" The nip of the pen he was using came up and cut across Toriel's cheek. She at least received a point and a half of damage from the hit. She took a sudden step back, a hand coming up to meet the now bleeding cut on her cheek--while the other put down the coffee cup. Out of instinct, she began using her healing magic to undo the damage.

"... T-Toriel?" Gaster's tired and unsure voice quietly asked. Toriel heard a small gasp come from Gaster as he seemed to realized what had happened. "... O-Oh, I'm so sorry!" He quickly apologized all the while coming up to her--his own healing magic glowing. "Y-You just frightened me... I swear...." Toriel gently swatted Gaster's hands away and gave him an understanding smile. "It's quite alright, dear. It's my fault really, I should have announced my arrival to you."

"I-I'm sorry all the same." Gaster apologized again, sitting back down onto the stool--adjusting his glasses. His eyes seemed to be showing an internal conflict, almost as if he were internally scolding 'himself'. Picking up the coffee she'd put down, Toriel offered it to the obviously exhausted skeleton, along with the pastry she'd also bought. "I've brought you some breakfast."

"... You didn't need to do that." Gaster told her, taking the food, and then adjusting his dark coat so as to cover his shirt. "... Thank you." She smiled, trying not to look concerned. "Are you alright, Gaster? Asgore's told me how worried he is about you." Opening the Styrofoam container holding the pastry, Gaster answered with, "I'm fine... Please, don't worry about me." Toriel craned her head down a bit, to try and get another look at Gaster's face. He turned more the other direction. "Now, are you certain? You know there are many who are here to help if you so need it."

"I realize that... and I am sure." Gaster answered, before taking a bite of his breakfast. Toriel sighed in response. Obviously, Gaster wasn't going to talk--not even to her--no mater how much she tried. "... Don't hesitate to ask, alright?" She requested, only earning a small nod from Gaster. Toriel gave the scientist a small rub on his shoulder, before taking her leave.

Dr. Gaster & Mr. Black (Undertale AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن