Deku: the hero of unlimited blades

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Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: unlimited blade works

Description: his quirk allows him to enter 2 pocket dimensions, the first one provides supplies the resources found in the second via him forging them, in the first he has an infinite amount of materials for crafting weapons, when he finishes crafting one then it automatically gets transported to his second, and he can choose to either summon it to the real world in order to use it, or he can just keep it there. In the second dimension he stores all of the weapons he makes, and when within this dimension he can telekinetically control them, this dimension is where he goes in order to grant each of his weapons special abilities, he can also bring other people to this dimension if he's looking them in the eye when he goes there. All of his weapons are unbreakable and automatically get transported back to the second dimension when they leave his hand.

Appearance/hero costume:

Appearance/hero costume:

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But with green hair

Pairing: TBD

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