early flight with her

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You and Taylor had a really early flight to see your parents. You haven't seen them since about 8 months ago. You and Taylor have gotten much closer since then and are now living together and Taylor is super excited cause she gets to see your little sister. (your little sister and Taylor have formed an adorable friendship over the phone and you find it so cute how Taylor interects with her). Your flight was taking off at 3:30am and Taylor always had to be out of the house at least an hour in advance which you never quite understood. 

You got awoken and 1am by all the commotion of Taylor wheeling all the bags downstairs getting ready to leave. You rolled your eyes. Typical Taylor. Always had to be up so early. That's when you saw a beautiful blonde women walk through your bedroom door. (Aka your girlfriend)

"Good morning baby." She walked over to you in bed kissing your head. 

You yawned. There are so many lights on and you haven't even been up for 5 minutes. "Mornin' Taylor. How much sleep did you get last night? I don't want you to be too tired today." 

She chuckled. "Oh don't worry about that. I got enough sleep to power me today." Before you got the chance to scold her, she took your hand and pulled you downstairs to get something to eat before you have to catch your flight.

"Did you eat yet?" You asked.

"Oh don't worry about it I'm fi-" 

"No take a bite" You pouted. Forcing her to take a bite of your granola bar. She finally took a bite then kissed you.

"C'mon baby we got to go." Taylor said pulling you along. 

"Taylor we have 2 damn hours. You need to calm down." You said smirking, using one of her own song lyrics as a pun.

"Y/n Tom is here to drive us so we got to go." 

"Okay. Okay. Let me just check I have everything" You said running upstairs. You took a polariod of you and Meredith and put it in your pocket because your going go miss that damn cat. Your going to miss this whole entire room. The amount of memories made here. But you will be back soon so you shouldn't worry about it too much.

The car ride was pretty short. Tom, your private driver got a bit lost on the way there. I mean nothing good starts in a getaway car. But it was because he's never driven you and Taylor to the airport before.

You were barely able to keep your eyes open. You felt so tired. But you had to stay awake for a few more hours until you got on the plane. 

Once you got to the airport you had to run through the crowds of paps. Yelling questions like, "Taylor do you have a secret child?" and "Why are you going to Nashville?" Ugh they are so annoying. It's none of there business.

When you finally got on your plane, it was so nice just you and Taylor with no paps. You were really tired and struggling to keep your eyes open. 

"Baby, go to sleep you look so tired." She said softly resting your head on her shoulder then kissing the top of your head.

"I love you." You said in a tired tone before drifting off into sleep.

"I love you so much love, sleep well." She whispered.


im so sorry i havent been updating, ive been so busy with my sisters birthday and school. i hope you all are doing well. i love you all sorry for the short crappy update


Taylor Swift ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora