Chapter 2 (The Story Begins)

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 (AN: so I know I haven't published in a while because I may have forgotten this book existed, but I have changed my schedule ill either publish chapters on Sunday or Wednesday. Also, I might not have my facts right; some I did it on purpose and others on accident, like Sirius moving in with the Potters after his first year, so please don't come at me, that's all, folks!)

The look on everyone's faces seemed in a mix of confusion and surprise, the only ones that didn't seem surprised were Tonks, Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. 

 Harry looked around at everyone in the room before landing his eyes back at Sirius. "I didn't know you have a sister?" Harry spoke up quietly. Sirius sat up straighter and looked at his godson with sad eyes, " I don't, well at least not anymore; she was of the first of my family to die." Sirius spoke sadly. "She was the youngest of me and my brother and her. Our parents, especially my father, despised her, but she was very headstrong and brave, but oh did she love to cause trouble."

 "Sounds like someone else I know,"  said Remus jokingly towards Sirius. Sirius looked over to Remus and smirked, and nodded sadly. "You seemed to have cared about her, Sirius," uttered Harry. "I did, I really did. There was not one day the hasn't passed where I haven't thought about her and wish that she had a different ending to her story," Stated Sirius sadly. "Could you tell us about her?" Asked Hermione and Ginny and the same time. Sirius looked at Remus, who was nodding his head in encouragement. "Well, she was a Slytherin," Sirius told everyone, who just groaned in response which Sirius just chuckled too. " She was the top of her class and..." Sirius paused, "Well, to tell you about her properly, I should probably start at the beginning."


"Hufflepuff," James and Sirius whispered at the same time, looking at the young, terrified first-year who was getting sorted. "Will you two ever stop this game? It's childish and dumb," Spoke up, Remus looking away from the platform where the first-years stood waiting to get sorted. "It's a tradition, Mooney." Spoke James. "And Mooney, you never break a tradition." Finished Sirius, Remus rolled his eyes from the snarky comment and looked back to first-years again. James and Sirius continue their little game until a name all too familiar rings in Sirius's ear. " And finally, Black, Eris."

Professor McGonagall speaks up with a sorting hat. "Oh great, another one of your cousins to torment us this year Padfoot, blimey how many you have."Shut it, James." Remus barked at James, leaning over the table to whack him over the head with his hand. Sirius paid no attention to the argument behind him but instead to the girl climbing the steps to get sorted. Sirius tried to study her features of what he could see from a distance but could tell she still had her raven black hair and pale skin. As the girl sat on the chair and the hat got placed on her head, Sirius's breath hitched and waited patiently for the hat to sort her. "Where to put you... how about SLYTHERIN." Once the hat spoke, McGonagall removed it, and Sirius sat frozen at that moment, watching as the girl jumped from the stool in joy and ran to the Slytherin table, where she sat beside Regulus with a giant grin that Sirius hadn't seen in a long time.

" Pads, Pads, Padfoot, Sirius." Yelled James waving his hands in front of Sirius's face snapping him out of his trance. " huh, what? Oh yeah, sorry, I must've zoned out." Sirius spoke up, rubbing his eyes with his hands. Everyone looked at Sirius worryingly. " Seriously, guys, I'm fine. I'm just going to head to the dorms. I'm not really hungry. Every one of the group watched as Sirius got up and walked out of the Great Hall. "What's up with him?" Asked Marlene to join in on the conversation. "I'm not sure," answered Remus. " Maybe we should check up on him?"Asked James standing up and looking at the two people across from him. Peter and Remus looked at one another with an agreement, then got up and followed James to look for their friend.

After ten minutes of looking for Sirius around the school with no luck, Peter finally spoke up," maybe we should've gotten the map." 

"Yeah, your probably right; this would've been a lot easier." Remus agreed. "Shhh, both of you, I hear something." James interrupted. Following a noise that sounded like crying led to a classroom. Spotting Sirius in one of the far corners of the classroom crying, Sirius noticed them coming over and quieted his crying as the trio walked up to him. "Whats wrongs, Pads?" Asked James sitting beside him against the wall. "It has to do with that girl sorted into Slytherin, doesn't it. Honestly, your whole family is mental; let's prank her give her what she deserves." James spoke, standing up getting ready to leave to fight the first year. "No! Not her, never her, she doesn't deserve it, and she will not be a victim of our pranks, okay." Sirius yelled, stopping James from leaving with tears still streaming down his face. "And why not?" James questioned, putting his hands on his hips. "Because....because she is my sister and after everything that has happened to her and all I have done to her, she doesn't need that from me," Sirius answered James studdering. "Oh, okay, I'm sorry I said anything, but what are you gonna do?" James asked ." I'm just going to act like nothing even happened and that she isn't even here." Sirius answered, leaving the group behind, giving each other questioning looks.

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